Re: Signing your work
by hossman (Prior) on Jan 27, 2002 at 13:09 UTC
There's nothing wrong with taking a bow, and being able
to put your name on something and say "I did this" is one
of the strongest motivatores i know of to get people to take
pride in their work, and value it's quality.
For decades programs have had "About" commands/screens
that give you info on the program, and frequently who
developed it -- i see no reason why WWW based applications
should be any different. Having an "About" link at the
top/bottom of every page of a WWW based tool might be
considered to obtrusive by some, but It's perfectly
reasonable to put a small link at the bottom of the front
page / spalsh screen / login page for your app.
And if the higher ups at your company are really anal,
just remember: easter eggs don't have to be very obvious,
and spending an hour on an easter egg that only 1% of an
apps users can be more encouraging then spending 5 hours
on a high quality credits screen that 99& of the users see.
(I know from experience that if you embed an ascii art
photo of someone in your source code, and display it
only when someone clicks on a 20x20 transparent gif floating
in the margin of your page, no one ever notices it when
installing your software.) | [reply] |
Re: Signing your work
by Necos (Friar) on Jan 27, 2002 at 16:20 UTC
Personally, I think that signing your work with some sort of banner or "About" link is cool. Some people like to see the names (and possibly pictures) of people who put in the hard work to provide them with a product. Of course, there are those that think of it as a nuisance. If the clients give you the ok, you should do it.
It's always nice to see people take pride in their work. Yes, I agree with everyone else that says "Not everyone needs to be thanked for their work." At the same time, working in an environment where you write code only to have some jerk come at you and yell about "this is not what I want" or something of that nature can be pretty depressing. No matter how hard-willed a person is, there's a time when we all need to sign our work, look back, and say: "God damn! I am just too good!"
Theodore Charles III
Network Administrator
Los Angeles Senior High
4650 W. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
323-937-3210 ext. 224
email-> | [reply] |
Re (tilly) 1: Signing your work
by tilly (Archbishop) on Jan 28, 2002 at 00:57 UTC
A traditional way for developers to do this with or without
management approval is with an easter
egg. :-)
On a more serious note, a reason many companies don't
want to do this is that it makes it easier for headhunters
to identify your employees so they can lure them away. | [reply] |
Recruiters are a concern of mine, but I'm working for an environment where the developers won't feel the need to look elsewhere :). Our company has an open door policy. I personally like each developer and I would hate to see any one of them go, but I will never hold back anyone's career.
grep> cd pub
grep> more beer |
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Re: Signing your work
by trs80 (Priest) on Jan 27, 2002 at 12:50 UTC
Q: Is this important?
A: Should be rephrased to is this important to me and my team.
Q: Should I not even bother?
A: That depends largely on the above response
Q: Has anyone done this?
A: There are no original ideas :^)
Q: What methods have you used?
A: We tried this with a small link that the bottom the of
Q: Were there any problems with signing your work publicly?
A: The company thought it was tacky after
they had used the product for a month. (CGI based product)
Recognition of someone's efforts is an important part of
most peoples self esteem and makes them want to work harder.
Other people are confident enough in their ability that
the praise doesn't need to be as frequent or grandiose. I
think how, where, when, etc has to be answered on a per
company or individual level. I think internally all
development firms should have a 'Cool Code of the X'
bulletin board where they have the programmer and what
they did that their peers considered to be cool.
It would be wise to construct a system allows for
everyone to be honestly placed on the bulletin board
from time to time and not let the wizards dominate it or
it will have the opposite effect of the intent.
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Re: Signing your work
by ariels (Curate) on Jan 27, 2002 at 17:08 UTC
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Re: Signing your work
by atcroft (Abbot) on Jan 27, 2002 at 23:13 UTC
If this is an on-line product (for example, form-based), have you considered putting the developer information in the error page you return if values are not filled in or filled in incorrectly? Also, if it is form-based, you might also have a particular "open sessame" value in one or more of the form elements that is unlikely to be put there that opens the about page.
Just a few thoughs from an egg. Some of the thoughts above seem quite good, though. | [reply] |
Re: Signing your work
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Jan 28, 2002 at 09:32 UTC
Allow or encourage the developers to contribute back to the CPAN. It may not always be appropriate, but there are many things yet to be coded. (This is also a nice draw for potential customers, if it's good stuff: "Our developers are lauded by their peers.") | [reply] |
I actively encourage our developers to freely contribute to CPAN. It took a bit to lead the PHBs to the notion that this was a good thing (actually not that much, just some memorized pieces of the Cathedral and the Bazaar). As Raymond points out (at least IMO), pick out the pieces that make sense to release Open Source then do it.
grep> cd pub
grep> more beer |
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Re: Signing your work
by Ryszard (Priest) on Jan 28, 2002 at 05:08 UTC
Personally I'm not sure i'd put credits in a web app. I dont know really why. Strangely enuff, I do like the idea of an easter egg approach. Perhaps its the hacker in me.
I do however like the idea that was posted about having a "Cool code board". In places where I've worked, I've encouraged the sharing of design/code philosophy, snippets and what-not, and have found it not only helps others in the team, but the recognition and appreciation of peers goes along way to keep/maintain/improve confidence and ability in the team. | [reply] |