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Trouble with mod_perl, Apache::Session::Postgres, and DBIby staunch (Pilgrim) |
on Feb 03, 2002 at 21:23 UTC ( [id://143106]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
staunch has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I'm having a difficult time using Apache::Session::Postgres and DBI together.
I can use DBI and Apache::Session::Postgres at the same time if they open separate database connections. But, Apache(mod_perl) segfaults if I pass the database handle to Apache::Session::Postgres.
Configuration and versions: This causes a segmentation fault: They work fine separately like this: Here is the second error I get, which I assume happens because of the previous segfault problem: I know I'm enabling autocommit multiple times, but I've tried every combination of (Auto)Commit, so I don't think that's the problem. My random guess is that there is some variable or handle sharing problem, something isn't being released, (un)locked, committed, disconnected or whatever :) But I really have no idea, that's why I'm asking the learned monks of Perl.
I've google'd, checked the mod_perl guide, and a few other places.
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