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Re: Re: Re: DBI - retrieving a specific row

by beebware (Pilgrim)
on Feb 05, 2002 at 13:48 UTC ( [id://143435]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: DBI - retrieving a specific row
in thread DBI - retrieving a specific row

I would recommend you getting SQL In A Nutshell (O'Reilly) - I've only had it 3 months and it's alreeady quite thumbed and bent. Page 149 gives SELECT...LIMIT as a MySQL specific and PostgreSQL specific functions, the syntax is:
MySQL: SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT (starting_row-1),number_of_rows
PostgreSQL: SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT number_of_rows,(starting_row-1)
Don't get the two different parameter orders mixed up!

If you aren't using either of these databases (have a look at this comparision table between them if need be), use might be able to use stored procedures to do the job. For a database-independent way, you'll be best having a function within your script in which you loop round to get the data you require.

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