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Re: New to the whole BINARIES-thingy

by beebware (Pilgrim)
on Feb 07, 2002 at 20:54 UTC ( [id://143968]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to New to the whole BINARIES-thingy

If you read the MySQL manual on Activestate Perl, you see that to install the MySQL DBD, you'll need the following commands:

ppm install DBI install +.x86.ppd

A handy program that I know, is PHPTriad from which installs PHP, Apache, MySQL, Perl and PHPMyAdmin for you on a Windows box. No need to bother with PPM or CPAN to install the modules you need to get Perl and MySQL and Apache working nicely together.

Finally, I would re-run the Activestate Perl installer and remove PPM3 which you seem to be running. It is still in beta and, therefore, shouldn't be used by 'novices'. Standard 'PPM' (aka 'PPM2') works nicely and I've had no problems with it (although I've only tried PPM3 around 4 times myself).

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