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Re: Modules in the Windows environment

by beebware (Pilgrim)
on Feb 23, 2002 at 01:27 UTC ( [id://147012]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Modules in the Windows environment

To use modules under ActiveState Perl for Windows, the easiest was is to use the PPM (Perl Package Manager) program supplied with AS Perl.
To ensure it works correctly and to its maximum potential, you really need to define additional PPM respositories (places where PPM modules are stored on the web, ODP has a little list, but what follows is a long list of other PPMs that I've 'discovered'), here's a quick step through:

Go to Start->Run and enter either '' or 'cmd' dependent on your Windows version. You should then get a nice black command window (a la DOS), which you should enter the following:

c:/> ppm PPM> set repository DevelopHelp PPM> set repository Roth PPM> set repository PTK PPM> set repository Theory PPM> set repository Dada PPM> set repository Jenda PPM> set repository rto PPM> set repository OpenInteract +pmpackages/ PPM> set repository GA PPM> set repository EPN +y PPM> set repository JMC PPM> set save PPM> quit

Then when you want to install a module (for example DBI), you just need to do:

c:/> ppm PPM> search DBI PPM> install DBI PPM> quit

It really is that simple (you don't even need the search line - but its nice to do it like that as then you see if there are likely to be any other packages which may be of assistance: try search for 'sql' for example!).

If you would like to create your own PPD (Perl Package Design) module that is needed with the PPMs, then this node (which also gives 'build' information) or Jenda Krynicky's guide should be of use.

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Re: Re: Modules in the Windows environment
by Dog and Pony (Priest) on Feb 23, 2002 at 11:50 UTC
    In the version of ActiveState I am running on my win box, that doesn't work. I use the new PPM version 3, in which they may have changed the commands? Anyways, to add more repositories, the command is (now):
    rep add DevelopHelp
    And there is no need to call any save command.

    UPDATE: I realized I maybe should add how to search the different repositories: Type

    to get a list of the repositories you have listed, the active one will be marked with a leading '*'. Then type
    rep set X
    where X is the number of the repository you want to search.
    help rep
    will give you more commands.

    Otherwise, a very good post, and thanks for the extensive list of URLs!

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