#!/usr/bin/perl -w # rsync.pl # pod at tail $|++; # stdout hot use strict; # avoid d'oh! bugs require 5; # for following modules use Cwd; # move to particular directory use Getopt::Long; # support commandline arguments, options use Pod::Usage; # avoid duplicating Usage() in Pod # EPOCH SECS FOR RUN DURATION: my $stime = time; # human-readable time for filenames: my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); my $stamp = sprintf( "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min ); ## START CONFIG PARAMETERS ## ############################### my $rsync = '/usr/bin/rsync -agoptv'; my $tee = '/usr/bin/tee'; my $d2u = '/usr/bin/dos2unix'; my $rsyncServer = 'indy'; my $logDir = '/cygdrive/c/Rsync/logs'; my $allLog = "$logDir/all$stamp.log"; my $errLog = "$logDir/err$stamp.log"; my $fileLog = "$logDir/fil$stamp.log"; my $inDir = '/cygdrive/c/backup'; my @inModules = qw( tarballs debs ); my $outDir = '/cygdrive/d'; my @outModules = qw( data web ); ############################### ## END CONFIG PARAMETERS ## my ( $opt_help, $opt_man, ); GetOptions( 'help!' => \$opt_help, 'man!' => \$opt_man, ); pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if (defined $opt_man); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if (defined $opt_help); unless (-d $logDir && -w _) { print "\nSorry, $logDir doesn't exist,\n", " isn't a directory,\n", " or you don't have write perms there.\n", "Please check and correct \$logDir in CONFIG PARAMETERS.\n\n"; exit; } if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { print "\nWin32 cmd.exe doesn't support \'tee\' for logging.\n", "Please run from Cygwin bash or cron instead.\n\n"; exit; } else { open STDOUT, "|$tee $allLog"; open STDERR, "|$tee $errLog"; } # HUMAN-READABLE START TIME FOR CONSOLE DISPLAY: my $htime = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec ); print "\n $htime\n"; print "\n Starting rsync backup from:\n"; for(@inModules){ print " $rsyncServer\:\:$_\n"; } print "\n and also rsync backup to:\n"; for(@outModules){ print " $rsyncServer\:\:$_\n"; } ## START INCOMING XFER ## ########################### for (@inModules) { print "\n == $_ ==\n"; unless (chdir $inDir) { print "Error moving to $inDir: $!"; next; } unless (system("$rsync $rsyncServer\:\:$_/ $_/")) { print "$?\n"; next; } print "\n"; } ########################### ## END INCOMING XFER ## ## START OUTGOING XFER ## ########################### for (@outModules) { print "\n == $_ ==\n"; unless (chdir $outDir) { print "Error moving to $outDir: $!"; next; } unless (system("$rsync $_/ $rsyncServer\:\:$_/")) { print "$?\n"; next; } print "\n"; } ########################### ## END OUTGOING XFER ## print "\n Finished rsync backup from:\n"; for(@inModules){ print " $rsyncServer\:\:$_\n"; } print "\n and also rsync backup to:\n"; for(@outModules){ print " $rsyncServer\:\:$_\n"; } # CALCULATE RUN-TIME: use constant SECS_PER_MIN => 60; use constant SECS_PER_HR => 3600; use constant SECS_PER_DAY => 86400; use constant SECS_PER_WEEK => 604800; my $dtime = time; my $runSecs = int($dtime-$stime); my $runTime = $runSecs; my $runUnit = 'seconds'; if($runSecs > SECS_PER_MIN) { $runTime = $runSecs/SECS_PER_MIN; $runTime = sprintf("%.0f",$runTime); if($runTime == 1.0) { $runTime = 1; $runUnit = 'minute'; } else { $runUnit = 'minutes'; } } if($runSecs > SECS_PER_HR) { $runTime = $runSecs/SECS_PER_HR; $runTime = sprintf("%.1f",$runTime); if($runTime == 1.0) { $runTime = 1; $runUnit = 'hour'; } else { $runUnit = 'hours'; } } if($runSecs > SECS_PER_DAY) { $runTime = $runSecs/SECS_PER_DAY; $runTime = sprintf("%.1f",$runTime); if($runTime == 1.0) { $runTime = 1; $runUnit = 'day'; } else { $runUnit = 'days'; } } if($runSecs > SECS_PER_WEEK) { $runTime = $runSecs/SECS_PER_WEEK; $runTime = sprintf("%.1f",$runTime); if($runTime == 1.0) { $runTime = 1; $runUnit = 'week'; } else { $runUnit = 'weeks'; } } print "\n Runtime $runTime $runUnit"; print "\n\n"; print " Complete log $stamp.log\n", " Errors only $stamp.err\n", " Log directory $logDir\n", "\n"; print < $fileLog" or die $!; while () { { local $/ = $_; my $diffs = || "Alert: '$_' from $errLog not found\n"; chomp $diffs; print FLE $diffs; } } print FLE while ; close FLE or die $!; close ERR or die $!; close ALL or die $!; =head1 NAME rsync.pl - automate use of rsync for data backups =head1 DESCRIPTION Single purpose wrapper for rsync. Intended for backing up data betwixt a client (Cygwin on Win32|Linux) and a server (Linux). I looked into File::Rsync module, but it also employs 'exec' calls. So for now will stick with system call to rsync, for simplicity and for standard-distribution- modules only. =head1 SYNOPSIS C =head1 OPTIONS --help display Usage, Arguments, and Options --man display complete man page =head1 ARGUMENTS None: all arguments defined at CONFIG PARAMETERS section of program =head1 NOTEWORTHY COMMENTS Rsync module names cannot contain spaces Requires Cygwin (for rsync, bash, tee) to run on Win32 Source directories must have same name as rsync modules Root of backup-to destination directories must be chmod ugo+w or rsync.pl will *say* it's backing up files, but won't actually write anything to disk! >8^O No trailing / in CONFIG PARAMETER directories nor in rsync mod paths =head1 BUGS None that I know of. =head1 EXAMPLE RSYNC SERVER CONFIG # /etc/rsyncd.conf hosts allow = [data] comment = data files backup path = /backup/data read only = no list = no [web] comment = web files backup path = /backup/web read only = no list = no # /etc/services rsync 873/tcp # /etc/inetd.conf rsync stream tcp nowait joe /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon =head1 UPDATE 2002-03-4 10:20 CST Add explanatory comments Generate newly backed-up files log strip ^M from all$stamp.log, err$stamp.log strip errors from all$stamp.log Correct minor tyops Research files-backed-up logfile generation 2002-03-2 16:10 CST Explicite path to 'tee' Present runtime in appropriate units (sec, min, hour...) Handle copy-to and copy-from separately Post to PerlMonks Filetest for $logDir write perm and directory not needed for $localDir as rsync will provide error Separate $logDir from $localDir Separate '::' from $rsyncServer Log STDERR to separate logfile than STDOUT to avoid losing head of logfile Detect OS, exit if MSWin32 as it doesn't support 'tee' Tee STDOUT to logfile and console for all console output Getopt and Pod::Usage for --help, --man Prettify console info Confirm intelligable errors from rsync for nonexistant module un(known|reachable) host host not listening on rsync tcp port 873 Date+time stamped logfile Test for existence of localdir root before writing Variablize rsyncServer, localDir, etc 2002-02-27 22:30 CDT Initial working code. =head1 TODO Replace system 'dos2unix' with Perlish approach Strip lines ending with / from all$stamp.log, err$stamp.log Check for write perms at backup-to destination director(ies) Contemplate: parsing CONFIG PARAMETERS from external file rsync user authentication rsync over SSH Figure out cron on Cygwin Figure out rsyncd on Cygwin =head1 TESTED rsync client 2.4.6 Cygwin 1.36 on Win2Kp 5.00.2195 sp2 rsync server 2.3.2-1.5 Debian 2.2r5 Perl 5.006001 Cygwin 1.36 on Win2Kp 5.00.2195 sp2 Cwd 2.05 Getopt::Long 2.25 Pod::Usage 1.14 strict 1.01 =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to tye for tip on using tee to log STDOUT, and Zaxo for reminder to do the same with SDTERR and for mondo help with file$stamp.log generation. Oh yeah, and to some guy named vroom. =head1 SEE ALSO rsync(1) rsyncd(5) Perl(1) Cygwin =cut