Thanks guys for the seems so obvious now...can't believe I couldn't figure it out
No worries Scott, I plan to use this program as a model for many other things besides NCBI.
I am now having another problem that I had working before...I am trying to loop in many individual pieces of at a time, after receiving the response from the server. Here is the code that worked before in a simple manner...
use lib "/System/Library/Perl";
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
print "Which file do you wish to process?\n";
open (FILE, "$file") || die "$!";
print "Please enter name for the output file\n";
open (OUT, ">$out") || die "$!";
while (<FILE>) {
@acc = <FILE>;
print "\nPROCESSING file $file...\n";
for ($i=0;$i<=$#acc;$i++) {
$accession = $acc[$i];
chomp $accession;
etc....I have made the necessary corrections now
I continue to get an error from the server and I only have one sequence in the input file.
Any thoughts??
Thanks again guys!