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Re: modification of simple form-email script

by gellyfish (Monsignor)
on Mar 06, 2002 at 21:17 UTC ( [id://149856]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to modification of simple form-email script

To cut a long story short you have been looking at the wrong scripts to modify - in the first instance I would suggest that you look at the nms form to e-mail program.

To expand a bit, firstly the program will not run cleanly with '-w' or 'use strict', the parseform() subroutine will not return the correct details with a perfectly valid form submission. parseform() cannot handle a GET request however their is no attempt to detect what the request method is. There is no attempt to determine whether the pipe to 'sendmail' was opened successfully. parseform() will potentially output before any CGI headers are output... you probably want to check where the $to variable you are using in your mail message is being assigned - I think you forgot the $send_to variable you assigned to earlier.


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