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Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris

by grep (Monsignor)
on Mar 07, 2002 at 07:34 UTC ( [id://149961]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict;map{$a++} ('g','r','e','p') ;$a=$a-$a--+$a++;$a++;$b=int (rand($a));$b++;map{chomp;@INC =split(/\D/);push(@_,(int($INC [$b]/$b),int($INC[$b+$a]/$b))) ;}(<DATA>);map{printf("%c",$_)}@_; __DATA__ L076I146H216a097m218u351 z122p224b294i105a194r342 n110t232i315e101i210s345 s115e202(096s115n220#096 &032c198$096^032e202)096 ^032#064?096<010>020\030

UPDATE: some small changes to muck it up a bit more

grep> cd /pub
grep> more beer

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Solution: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris
by domm (Chaplain) on Mar 08, 2002 at 21:20 UTC
    use strict;
    Enable strict mode. There are no errors because of undefined vars because you used $a and $b, which are always defined, as they are used by sorting.
    For the same reason, you choose @INC;

    You set $a to 4.

    or written a little bit cleaner
    $a=$a - $a-- + $a++;

    But still rather hard to understand, because of the way auto-in/decrement worksin suffix mode:
    What happens is (if I got it right):
    $a=$a - $a-- + $a++;
    $a is now 3, but 4 is substracted
    $a=3 - 4 + $a++;
    $a=-1 + $a++;

    $a is incremented to 4, but 3 (the old value) is used in the addition
    $a= -1 + 3
    $a is now 2

    And now its 3

    sets $b to a value between 0 and 2.

    increments it by one, so it is now 1, 2, or 3. Used to decide which virtue to print.

    map {chomp;@INC=split(/\D/);push(@_,(int($INC$b/$b),
    Here you map over all elements of the DATA array, doing the following things:
    remove the line brake at the end of the line
    Set @INC, by splitting the current line on non-numeric values, thereby removing all charaters from the stuff in DATA. This made me wonder, because first I thought you where using the characters hidden between the numbers as your data. But, as I then found out, you just tossed me a red herring that I gullibly swalloed.
    Now you modify your data structure. In the DATA-section, you stored the ascii values of each character (multiplied by either 1,2 or 3), like so (using the real characters): LIHamu (and these are NOT the 'L', the 'I', the 'H' etc you can see in the DATA section).
    With this code segment, you first get item number $b (and divide by $b, so it is now the real ascii value), then you get $b+$a. As $a is 3, this gets the next value of the selected virtue. The shorter virtues are space-padded at the end.

    Here you finally map over all values of @_, printing the character with the ascii value of $_. A nice way to prevent the much-overused chr. Voila.

    Nice work! Especially as it's not just one more japh.

    I espcially liked the auto-in/decrement stuff and the wrong track you laid in DATA.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w just another perl hacker

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