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Re: Using Perl for plugins...

by rah (Monk)
on Mar 08, 2002 at 01:46 UTC ( [id://150202]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Using Perl for plugins...

Not sure I understand your reference to untouched OSX box or how that rules out CPAN. If you're doing Objective C, you already have the devlopmnet kit installed. works great on OSX with the pre-installed 5.6.0 version of Perl. Unhindered, it will want to upgrade to 5.6.1, and I couldn't get this CPAN assisted build to work, but I have been using CPAN to pull down dozens of modules and every one has worked flawlessly.

CPAN is a beautilful thing, and the module and interface it provides is a work of art. There is no better way to work with CPAN modules, and with so much great code out there, no reason not to use it. If you want to develop your Perl skills by figuring out how to parse XML, by all means do. But if you'd rather move on to other things why not leverage the strength of the Perl community and grab a CPAN module to do the work for you. Then you can focus on the more interesting/challenging parts of you project.

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