Creates a random playlist of the number of songs that you input. Edit a the $dir1 and $out vars.
# Generates a Random playlist of the length you specify...
use strict;
use File::Find;
my ($dir1, $input, @array);
find(\&wanted, $dir1);
#----------Sub Routines below this line---------------
sub prep {
print "Enter the number of songs:";
chomp ($input=<STDIN>);
sub wanted {
if (/mp3$/){
push @array, "$File::Find::name\n";
sub outout{
my $out="$dir1/upload/randlist.m3u";
open OUT, ">$out" or die "Cannot open $out for write :$!";
for (1..$input){
my $number=int(rand $#array);
my $result=splice @array, $number,1;
print OUT "$result";
close $out;