Here are a few that have really saved my life:
- CGI - I assume this and DBI need no introduction? :)
- Storable - Really handy when you need to serialize data (in a db or otherwise). Take a look at it next time you need to store data in a weird format.
- IO::Socket - Indispensible if you are doing any sort of socket stuff.
- Net::Shared - Shameless plug time :) I really hate IPC::Shareable, so I created this module. Its still under development, but next time you need to use shared memory, give it look; its much more stable than its counterpart.
- LWP - huge time saver.
- File::Find - another huge time saver.
- Apache::Session - a module that makes it much easier to implement sessions. Takes care of most issues for you automatically after its set up.
- Mail::Mailer - My favorite mail sending module.
- HTML::TokeParser - My preferred way to parse HTML.