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Re: Favourite modules

by theguvnor (Chaplain)
on Mar 11, 2002 at 01:51 UTC ( [id://150790]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Favourite modules March 2002

  1. CGI
  2. CGI::Carp
  3. CGI::Application
  4. HTML::Parser
  5. DBI (and DBD::* friends)
  6. Data::Dumper
  7. XML::Simple
  8. LWP::UserAgent
  9. HTTP::Response
  10. GD

Update: forgot one. This list goes to eleven a la Spinal Tap.

11. MIME::Entities (how could I forget about you?)


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Re: Re: Favourite modules
by tretin (Friar) on Mar 11, 2002 at 03:45 UTC
    1. CGI
    That's the only module I have needed to use in any of my programming expiriences... but then I don't have many of those expiriences either.

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