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Re: Favourite modules

by oubiwann (Sexton)
on Mar 12, 2002 at 16:28 UTC ( [id://151143]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Favourite modules March 2002

Wow, this is one perl of a collection of modules! You guys have great taste :-) But am I the only sysadmin here? I can't believe that to be true... Has no one else had cause to worship Net::SSH::Perl as much as I? Note, this is NOT the same as Net::SSH!!!

After installing all the requisite modules (a task Marpa may have set for Milarepa on his quest for enlightenment), you have one sweet, functional, fast, and secure way of automating all those remote tasks via ssh.

Check it out: Net::SSH::Perl

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