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by simonflk (Pilgrim)
on Mar 24, 2002 at 11:11 UTC ( [id://153880]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??


April 2002
simonflk is the new handle for $code or die. This is not for any sort of votebot; I am bored of $code or die and feel like working my way up the levels again. You can also visit my website.

-- simonflk

My Code License:
Unless otherwise noted, all code authored by Simon Flack ("simonflk") on is free software which you can redistribute and/or modify under the same terms as Perl itself.

Perl Links

See the links on my website. Also, see Outside Links for everything else.


Editor wars

I don't engage in OS/editor wars. (or any other wars for that matter). I'm running Redhat Linux at home and my editor of choice is GNU Emacs. When on Windows, I like to use UltraEdit. Use whatever editor/OS/etc you are comfortable with and ignore those that tell you that you are a freak.

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