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Casual Communication, AI, and Text Processingby one4k4 (Hermit) |
on Mar 28, 2002 at 16:21 UTC ( [id://155023]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
one4k4 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Tis been a while since I've posted, especially in SoPW. I thought up an idea while thinking about the smarterchild AIM bot. Currently this bot has somewhat "canned" responses (imho) to your statements. I thought about that bot, and the everything project and wondered if I could create a bot that would chat with it's users and ask for help in expanding it's knowledge base. Somewhat of a dictionary, with definitions submitted by the chatters. This good and all, but what about responces to it's questions, and processing the actual words in the statements? This node (AI -- Artificial Intelligence) helped me quite a bit, but I'm not sure where to start. It's almost as if I want to have a set of "control" words, and take words in question and compare them to the control words. A table of synonyms, antonyms (spelling mistakes..) and rate the possible control words against the results. So if you said "My dog is a real pain" it would take "dog" and compare that to things like "animal" and then it would know that the subject of the sentence is animals, in reality "my dog". Basically, applying english language rules to text processing with perl. Yeah, that about summs it up. Knowing "dog" is the noun and subject of the sentence, if it does not know what dog is, it would ask.. Am I crazy? Am I thinking about something that is too far fetched? Am I entering a good part of the perl community? I know this would at bare minimum help with my OOP and the like.. Welp, that about summs it up friends. Feel free to shoot me in the foot if I haven't already, but any help or insight is appreciated. I'm only thinking about this because jmcnamara told me I couldn't help him with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel until he gets back on track. ;) _14k4 - perlmonks@poorheart.com (www.poorheart.com)
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