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OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X

by rah (Monk)
on Apr 03, 2002 at 06:03 UTC ( [id://156245]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

rah has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


Pardon the off-topic post, but can anybody offer any insight into how I can get 5.6.1 to build under OS X. A case insenstive filesystem is giving Configure problems, causing freshly created makefiles to be rm-ed before being used. I found workarounds for the main makefile (by initializing the value for $firstmakefile in Configure to something other than "makefile"), but as the build proceeds it attempts to use other makefiles further down the tree that have also apparently been removed. Any ideas. I would really like to get to 5.6.1

TIA, Rich

  • Comment on OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X

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Re: OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X
by jehuni (Pilgrim) on Apr 03, 2002 at 10:30 UTC

    The procedure explained in this post to the mailing list worked for a colleague of mine who runs 10.1 on his PowerBook.


    IMHO, this is not really off-topic. It does have to do with Perl, after all.


      That is the workaround I described in my OP. It get's me much further along the build process, but it still blows up later when it rms "other" makefiles (maybe those used for building the core PMs?). In any event I end up with a partially completed build.

Can you move up to 5.7.3?
by RMGir (Prior) on Apr 03, 2002 at 11:31 UTC
    I know you're building 5.6.1, but if you can move up to 5.7.3, it should work out of the box.

    Quoting from the 5.7.3 perldelta

    MacOS X (or Darwin) should now be able to build Perl even on HFS+ filesystems. (The case-insensitivity confused the Perl build process.)

      Thanks for the tip. But how stable is 5.7.3?

      I use this box to build perl projects at home, that I plan on running on my production systems at work (running 5.6.1). I need to be sure I'm troubleshooting my perl code (still a novice), not a developer distribution. Is 5.7.3 solid enough for this use or do I wait for 5.8.x which is also supposed to have the OSX install woes fixed?


        5.7.3 is a release candidate for 5.8.0.

        I think it's probably pretty decent. I haven't had any trouble with it, but I'm not stressing it.

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