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(jeffa) Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by jeffa (Bishop) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:03 UTC
Your argument is at best trivial. Simply comparing the
syntaxes of two languages is not enough for me to consider
switching. I am sitting in on a Python class and so far i
haven't seen a need for it in my queue. I'd rather spend
my energy learning Perl6.
Yes, you may be saving a character or two now, but wait
until you need the full power of CPAN (and yes, this
comment will self-explode when/if the Python 'CPAN' finally
catches up to Perl's).
Python: it's just like Perl - but different!
quote the mothra in the Chatterbox:
"realize that CPAN is just a really big collection of code that has all the same drawbacks as mentioned in the post."
i don't need to comment on this, do i? ;) | [reply] |
Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by jepri (Parson) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:51 UTC
Jepri climbs into his asbestos suit. It really looks like princepawn posting under a different name. Ho hum, flame away...
I just spent 4 hours trying to teach someone Eiffel, which is a B&D language par excellence. Interestingly enough, you could replace 'Python' with 'Eiffel' in your post, and you would have similar arguments like:
No sigils for variable access - brilliant. Now beginners can't tell the difference between a scalar, an array and a function. And then they can't tell if they will be interpolated in a string. Sigils on variables indicate what they will do when the code runs. Declarations 3 pages away aren't very helpful. Ditto C, Pascal and every other damned language without sigils, including Python.
No delimiting of blocks with () or {} signs - so you have to look at what isn't there to tell where the block starts and ends. In any conditional more complex than x < 10, you are probably going to use brackets to override precedence, or simply because you can't remember which operator wins. So beginners ask, why do you need brackets sometimes and not other times... Again, teaching beginners is more difficult, because there are less clues as to what is a statement and what is an expression.
The perl way of taking arguments is pathological. Point to you.
Object accessors - I just spent four hours with someone who kept typing io.put.integer rather than io.put_integer Operators that look like punctuation suck.
Multiple implementations of the same language - so now, not only do you have to keep track of different hardware platforms, you have to be aware of how each implementation works on each platform.
Update: I guess the point I didn't make explicit before is that if I can replace 'Python' with 'Eiffel' or any other word, or 'Perl' with 'C++' or 'Ada' or whatever then we aren't argueming languages, we're arguing language design features, independent of the languages that use them.
This is a sizeable area of research, and thankfully the researchers are beyond pointing at their favourite language and saying "Look! Whitespace!". I will be interested to see how well perl6 incorporates academic theories into a current programming language.
I didn't believe in evil until I dated it. | [reply] [d/l] |
Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by mirod (Canon) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:56 UTC
OK, so I don't know much about Python, and I --'ed you.
Because after reading your post I don't know anything more about Python than before reading it, except that some of its zealots (that would be you) are even more biased and short-sighted than Perl's.
Most of your arguments are purely a matter of personal preference, nothing objective there, but I really liked the fact that you prefer Python because it lets you type way less characters than Perl. Kewl! So what's with constructs like
string.replace, fo.readline() or sys.stdout.write? Shorter than Perl's tr, <> or print? I did not think so either.
People like Perl or Python (or Ruby or Lisp or Smalltalk or whatever) based on how well the language suits them, rarely for "objective" reasons. I like the fact that Perl is complex for example, it keeps me interested, while C bores the hell out of me. If you prefer a simpler language, then by all means, stick with Python. I don't have a problem with it. I would even be happy if you could just go and post on PythonNunns or whatever the Python community site might be called.
Just please don't troll here, thank you.
Update: point taken, as noticed by mothra below, there is indeed a print statement in Python (how not object oriented BTW ;--). My bad. I guess my post makes no sense and I should give up Perl and find The True Snake Way then ;--).
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Variable access counterpoint
by Fletch (Bishop) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:05 UTC
Without reading the entire chunk of code, you can't
tell what type of value a variable's holding. foo could be a simple integer value. It could be a list. It could be a dictionary.
@foo is always an array. %foo
is always a hash.
Pay no attention to those perl scalars containing references to objects
hiding behind the curtain . . . :)
Not that Python doesn't have it's nice points (xmlrpclib for example), but it
has warts of its own too (trailing commas can be syntactically significant, lambda's aren't really lambda expressions (i.e. closures)).
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by derby (Abbot) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:05 UTC
To sum up your arguments: python lets you type less. Not
to convincing. You don't like braces for blocking, I don't
like white space for blocking. Syntactic sugar - Viva la differance.
-derby | [reply] |
Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by Maestro_007 (Hermit) on Apr 03, 2002 at 17:29 UTC
I'm currently working in an office full of Perl junkies who have to use Python (actually Jython) because of the reasons you cited. It was a bit painful at first, but the language is fairly well documented and easy to learn.
One problem I have with it is the lack of CPAN. I think there's no underestimating its value. We are constantly running around trying to get modules or write our own. Python (especially Jython) hasn't reached the state yet where you can do just about anything, so frankly it's a pain to use.
Is the syntax cleaner? I have no idea. When I was learning Perl the sigils were only a little confusing. Now they come naturally, so I don't know. It just seems to me like grammatical inflection, no less natural than conjugating verbs. Initially with Perl you spend lots of time getting used to it. In Python, there's no up front cost, but a constant cost when you have to look up the first use (notice I didn't say declaration... there isn't a use strict mode that makes you declare them) of any variable you see.
The biggest problem I have with Python, though, is the attitude it has against messy syntax. I know that may seem weird, but I like the fact that have multiple options for doing the same thing. In talking to our more Python-oriented guys, that seems to directly offend them. To me, computer languages should be an attempt to map to human problems. Larry's 3rd State of the Onion was all about this concept. Trying to clean up the language to mask it may not be the most effecient use of our time.
On the other hand, take a look at the 1996 article Perl vs. Python by Tom Christiansen. It's a bit out-dated, but it makes good points. The most salient for my company's application (besides Java compatibility) being its intrinsic object-orientedness. Perl's object model is powerful and allows many good things, but it's not as easy to learn as Python's. You have to be very good at Perl to be able to use Perl objects. You can use objects in Python within 24 hours of starting to learn it.
All in all I miss Perl terribly and still use it in my personal projects, but so far Python isn't stealing my sheep, robbing my house, or giving me shooting pains up and down my spine, so we'll keep using it. It's certainly better than that Barbarian horde we tried to hire to work on this part of the application (sorry, inside joke).
p.s. Want a laugh? Try to imagine a Python Golf Challenge!
Update: I knew I had a specific example of "cool" Python syntax that I did want to share:
if listElement in aList:
... do stuff ...
In Perl you gotta do this with grep (or something else like that). It's pretty.
And another thing, this book saved our lives on this project. It's very objective, doesn't get at all religious, and has a very informative feel to it. "If you want to do this in Perl, here it is in Python." It has an alphabetical list of functions and their equivalents. I can't recommend it higher. It does not seek to answer "which is better", it just recognizes that this problem exists and shows how to cope. | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
# Do stuff if $list_element is in @a_list
if ($list_element =~ @a_list) {
... do stuff ...
# ... OR ...
# Loop through a bunch of list elements
foreach @list_elements {
# Do stuff if the current element is in @a_list
when @a_list { ... do stuff ... }
# If not in @a_list, what about @other_list ?
when @other_list { ... do stuff ... }
buckaduck | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by bluto (Curate) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:39 UTC
I use Perl for two basic reasons.
It is an extrememly rich language (TMTOWTDI). I can
express what I want to in a way that pleases me (or my
boss) most, depending on what I want.
It has reached critical mass. I have a wide choice of
existing solutions (i.e. CPAN), and I know it is supported
I've looked at Python, but never used it. It appears to
meet my criteria above -- it would take a lot of my
time to find out. Perhaps if I
didn't know Perl now I would spend more time trying.
The main reason I don't is probably the same as why 99%
of everyone else doesn't switch -- the arguments
that I've seen put forth for it don't outweigh the pain that
must be endured to convert over to it.
BTW, why should I use Python when I can switch to Ruby?
I've heard claims that its better than Perl and Python
put together. There are many, many cases where arguments
can be made for a less popular technologies (Apple ][ vs
Commodore 64; C vs Pascal/Modula/Oberon/etc; Mac vs PC) and
I picked the side of the less popular solution because I
just thought it was "cleaner".
Give me something that is
*better* than
CPAN and I might take a second look.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by thraxil (Prior) on Apr 03, 2002 at 17:15 UTC
i have to agree with the other posts that the terseness of some of the syntax is a pretty poor way to compare two languages.
especially when all the examples are chosen with a bias. let's look at some other aspects of the syntax:
$foo .= $bar;
# perl
$foo =~ s/\W//g;
import re
foo = re.sub(foo,'\W','')
my point is that with contrived examples, you can probably argue it any way you want. with perl's flexibility i've found that i can write overall shorter programs in perl than in python even if some of the individual statements are longer.
if all you care about is terse syntax, you'll love colorForth: here's an IDE driver written in one page of code.
anders pearson
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one other thing that comes in my mind AFAIK python has several RE modules (as do much of the other languages)... and guees how they call them :
"Perl compatible regex"
:") so if i look only one side i.e the RegEx side of view, 'cause the poster does exactly this ...
ps. the bad thing is that from after a year or so they will say "Perl5 compatible regex", 'cause perl6-compatible-regex they will not have in the near 5years atleast :")
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by cjf (Parson) on Apr 03, 2002 at 18:10 UTC
My entire experience using python consists of reading a few online tutorials and writing a couple "Hello, World!" level scripts. In compliance with your warning, I will not comment on the technical aspects of Perl vs Python (feel free to flame me anyways though :)
What I will comment on is the style in which you asked this question.
First of all, your post focused purely on why Python was better than Perl. Your bias was very obvious from the beginning and you failed to mention any area where Perl had an advantage. A good argument will show the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, not the strengths of one and the weaknesses of another.
Secondly, your argument focused mostly on very minor syntax differences. Saving keystrokes is not a huge issue. If you truly feel that Python is a superior language you should have at the very least written more about how you believe it scales better for larger products, given more in-depth examples of how development time is faster, and provided some benchmarks.
Thirdly, the language in your post was very argumentative. Read the last three paragraphs of your post again. They have a very condescending tone, insult the intelligence of the reader, and to top it all off you end them with You Will Be Flamed. This doesn't exactly provide the best environment for a reasonable discussion.
I alway look for the best tool for the job and enjoy reading comparisons between languages, However, your post has taught me nothing about Python that I didn't already know. I encourage you to take these points into consideration and post a more educational node in the future.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by mrbbking (Hermit) on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:09 UTC
Ooh, flaimbait. Yum.
For reasons already cited "it sucks because it uses whitespace to group statements"
or "Perl is better because it has default variables" don't fly.That's 100% pure opinion.
Everything you list as why Python is better than Perl is '100% pure opinion.'
Nothing there is objectively 'better' than anything else.
'Better' is (almost)? always a matter of opinion.
What is 'good' depends on one's values and one's goals.
The points I've shown above are concrete examples
of why, even with best coding practices, character for character, and due to language
design issues you will save characters in Python, and also shows specifically
why it's easy to write tools to autogenerate Python module documentation without knowing
any special documentation syntax.
OK - so your argument is that 'Python requires fewer characters and is easier to document.'
Here's where I have to stop. I am in clear ignorance of Python, never (not rarely) having used it.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by extremely (Priest) on Apr 04, 2002 at 22:57 UTC
If you really spend more time and effort typing and formatting code rather than thinking, isn't this whole discussion moot? You aren't a programmer, you are a typesetter. =)
If minimal typing and pretty layour really are your primary criteria then you can probably do better than Python, too.
$you = new YOU;
honk() if $you->love(perl) | [reply] |
LOL. Wish I could ++ this twice.
"To be civilized is to deny one's nature."
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by danger (Priest) on Apr 03, 2002 at 22:41 UTC
Hey mothra, I guess I know why you haven't been to the local Perl
monger meetings in a while ... :-)
Picking out individual bits of syntax as a basis for comparison is
simply fraught with problems. All the more so when your comparison
boils down to counting characters typed in each fragment. If you like
Python better than Perl, that's fine, I think Python is a fine
language too. If you think it is easier to learn, easier to maintain,
and/or simply easier to think in, that's just fine too. But I cannot
fathom choosing to base so much of your debate on a few tiny
instances of being able to type a few less characters in one or the
However, if you are really interested in make that a comparison
issue, please do so with something other than isolated fragments. Anyone
can play that game --- no one wins, and what's more, no one learns.
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Hey mothra, I guess I know why you haven't been to the local Perl monger meetings in a while ... :-)
Well...not quite. :) I've been busy, planning on moving to Europe, trying to sell my car, etc. In January, I was in London and Amsterdam, and got together with a couple of the'ers.
My motivations are much more to do with finding the tool that lets me be as lazy as possible.
Now, quickly, on to the code (I have to actually do some work right away, heh).
First off, I was hoping to say that Python's fileinput module (its input() method specifically) was equivalent to Perl's <>, however it isn't. I've sent a message to comp.lang.python to try and understand why they work differently, because I understood them to be the same, until I tried to map it onto the wc program.
Anyways, to the code.
First off, I ran your programs on my machine (Pentium 733, 256 MB RAM, cygwin, NT4WS, Python 2.2, Perl 5.6.1), and large.txt was an 11 M file.
$ time ./ large.txt
21 58 494
25 96 698
382230 1290003 11930691 large.txt
382276 1290157 11931883 total
real 0m7.922s
user 0m7.218s
sys 0m0.124s
$ time ./ large.txt
21 58 494
25 96 698
382230 1290003 11930691 large.txt
382276 1290157 11931883 total
real 0m4.484s
user 0m4.186s
sys 0m0.093s
Then, I made some changes to the Python:
import sys
files = map(lambda f: open(f), sys.argv[1:]) or [sys.stdin]
Twords = Tlines = Tchars = 0
for file in files:
words = lines = chars = 0
for line in file.xreadlines():
lines += 1
words += len(line.split())
chars += len(line)
print "%7d %7d %7d %s" % (lines, words, chars,
Twords += words
Tlines += lines
Tchars += chars
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print "%7d %7d %7d total" % (Tlines, Twords, Tchars)
With the following results:
$ time ./ large.txt
21 58 494
17 74 518
382230 1290003 11930691 large.txt
382268 1290135 11931703 total
real 0m6.157s
user 0m6.046s
sys 0m0.124s
It seems you were using a fairly old version of Python. Version 2.1 sped up line-by-line file access.
So, for what point? I'm not sure, but you said you were interested in seeing a better (though I'd definitely not dare claim "best") version of the Python code, so there's my contribution. :) Also, it's worth noting that the speed differences in the example are neglible.
Update I: words = lines = chars = 0 might be slightly more idiomatic. I also would have written the map code (in the Python version) all on one line. That's a style difference, I guess. :)
Update II: Okay, I put the changes in the Python code mentioned in Update I.
Update III: And, for those who claim Python "forces" you into its own coding style, note that I could have written the map code using a list comprehension instead:
files = [open(f) for f in sys.argv[1:]] or [sys.stdin]
Python gives you more than one way to do it. IMHO it "takes away your options" in places where too many options are a Bad Thing anyway. (e.g. one way to define func parameters instead of using shift or @_ in Perl), totally eliminating any concerns about differences in {} style, because they're gone, etc.) | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Thanks for the code followup --- I do like the list method you showed
rather than my lambda hack (like I said, it's been sometime since I
actually played with Python ... something around 1.5.x, it didn't
even have += back then iirc). You are right, Python has certainly
improved in speed: From 31 to 13 secs just switching to 2.2.1c2 vs
2.0.1, and then to 11 secs using xreadlines(). Cheating and reading
in whole files into memory and then working with them brought it down
to 8 secs --- but the same cheats on the Perl version took it from 7
to 3 secs. The better relative improvement in the perl cheat is
because we can get a "word" count via s/\s+//g without building a
list (after, of course, we get the newline and byte counts), I
couldn't find a way to do that in Python without building a list ---
so the len(string.split()) was the best I could do in Python). Also,
I did get a python version working with fileinput, but it was vastly
slower and has awkward semantics for dealing with individual files
while you iterate through them (ie, rather than an 'eof' test to see
if you are at the end of the current file, you get a 'isfirstline()'
test to see if you just read the first line of a new file ... this
makes for awkward logic in my opinion).
All said and done, although I'm not interested in relatively
small differences in the number of characters --- one of your
strong concluding statements in your original post was:
The points I've shown above are concrete examples of why, even with
best coding practices, character for character, and due to language
design issues you will save characters in Python
And I think, once you look at the context of actually writing
programs, rather than syntax fragments, your statement won't really
hold up. Although, perhaps now others may see that Python isn't
necessarily as verbose as it is often made out to be. Your updated
version looks quite nice :-)
As for your comment that the circa 3:2 speed differential is
negligible, I suggest that perhaps depends more on application domain
and the kind of work you usually do. Further, the speed difference
can be much more significant --- using regexen appears to be much
slower in Python. Example: A simple grep script (takes a pattern,
reads stdin, prints lines that match); using a pattern of
"a.*e.*i.*o.*u" on my /usr/dict/words file (find all words containing
the ordered (not necessarily contiguous) sequence of vowels). The
Python version took 7.5 secs, the Perl version took 1 sec, and the C
grep on my box took 0.2 secs --- incidentally, my words file is
non-standard and contains 263,533 entries, of which 47 match the
pattern given. For myself, this renders your 'if the languages were
equal on every other count' qualifier somewhat moot.
As for module documentation --- doc strings are nice for what they do,
but rather limited. In fact, the primary documentation for Python and
its libraries is a set of LaTeX files. Perl's POD isn't as flexible
or as powerful as LaTeX, but it is simple and it is embeddable, which
are pretty good properties, and provides a standard documentation
model (and utilities) for all of Perl and its modules.
Some of the other points you raised are valid: a standard language
reference capabable of supporting mulitple implementations can be a
good thing versus just a reference implementation; fewer rules and
fewer styles can certainly help beginners (though can also be
constraining to experienced programmers); Python's instrinsic OO
model is simpler and cleaner; Argument passing in Python is nicer.
However, Perl6 looks poised to address most of these, though I don't
expect to see any kind of release before summer 2003. Something you
didn't mention is that Python ships with a pretty sizeable library
--- although CPAN remains unmatched in any language.
Anyway, perhaps I'll see you at the next PM meeting and we can
follow this up over a beer or three :-)
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Python gives you more than one way to do it. IMHO it "takes away your options" in places where too many options are a Bad Thing anyway. (e.g. one way to define func parameters instead of using shift or @_ in Perl), totally eliminating any concerns about differences in {} style, because they're gone, etc.)
See you are missing it again the GOOD-THING as invented by python and/or perl designers may not be the good-thing for you... that is the main difference in Perl u take the responsibility to not screw the things in Python u do but not so much ... and the drawback of the python way is u loose the freedom of expressing yourself better...
Again this may be is what u want and it is OK. But perl-ers don't like this they like freedom.
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(smitz)Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by smitz (Chaplain) on Apr 03, 2002 at 20:27 UTC
Some thoughts...
Variable Access
Yeah, I need three extra keystrokes to declare a variable, and an extra one each time I access it. So? Like Fletch said, I can skim over someone elses code and know what type of a variable is being used.
What does this mean: @{ $scalar }? I can tell straight away, thanks @ and $ symbols.
Block delimiters
Inconsistencies in styles? There are but two (block styles). And I like seeing where blocks stop, dont you? Im sure I could get used to whitespace, but it seems somwhat counter-intuitive.
A ; at the end of each line
Python requires a newline. Ok, its a bigger key, you win.
- I've come to see Python as an extremely cool language...for me, more useful than Perl
yet your comparison boils down to less typing. Fair point, kind of, but that doesn't make something more useful.
- I think Python seems to win on most counts when measured against Perl.
I still dont see how youv'e measured either of the languages except keystrokes and briefly touching on self-documentation. Does that sound dirty to anyone else?
- For reasons already cited "blah blah blah" or "yadda yadda yadda" don't fly. That's 100% pure opinion.
Now Im really not here to stop on anyone's toes, but 90% of your post is opinion. To summarise my post, Can you repeat the question?
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mothra vs. Perl: Looking at the Past
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 05, 2002 at 08:53 UTC
This is not a response to your post, but instead a response
to your behaviour. If you practice things that are in clear
contradiction of what you preach, You Will Be Called
- Re: What is it about perl that makes perl so cool? "Perl is nice to look at. It's quite unlike any other language out there and beautiful to read."
- Re: Perl Resolutions "Avoid engaging in flame wars, especially language wars. The right tool for the right job!"
- Re: Just a thought "There are at least 5-6 things that I HATE about any and every language I've ever used..."
- Re: Re: Perl's warts "And just one more thing I can't help but comment on...use Python for large projects? eek...I started testing Python out by doing (or starting to do) a new client of mine's site with Python. I got severely turned off by the syntactic whitespace when a.) I indented one line with a tab and the next line with spaces and the compiler complained (a completely invisible error), and b.) I downloaded what I thought would be a reusable form mailer Python program, only to find out when I got it that the indentation was all messed up, rendering the code useless. I can't imagine how much my paranoia would increase if I was dealing with a 20,000 - 50,000 line Python code base."
- Re: Re: Perl and Java "By the way ... but we can we waste slightly MORE time comparing language XYZ to Perl?"
- Re: Re: Perl and Java "Views of 'this language sucks' or 'that OS sucks' are a dime a dozen. How many more dead horses need to be beaten?"
- Re: Changing owner of files: Windows vs Linux (or Why I hate Windows) "dismissing the good points of any tool ... because you found something that sucked is a sign that you probably haven't taken the time to match the tool against the task or you're being overzealous."
- IRC vs. Newsgroups vs. Web Forums "Has anyone else 'had it' with all the (flame|holy)wars going on?"
- Re: Stubborn as a Saint "If you want to get a good idea of someone's technical ability follow their writings!"
- Re: Choose the most powerful language "I've been shown a reason to change the way I think."
- Re: Concurrency : FORK and knife "Consider lurking for a little while longer to see how things work around The Monastary before you post again."
Take it easy man, you can't learn 10 years of good
programming skills in 2. | [reply] |
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by ariels (Curate) on Apr 04, 2002 at 12:00 UTC
Some good points here:
- Multiple implementations are good:
- Code should be written to a language spec, not to a particular implementation. Observe how clear ISO C is about "x=x++" (it is undefined behaviour). Perl isn't so clear; what's worse is that, since there's only one implementation, "suck it and see" might be considered a good answer (it isn't, but only because of the possibility of a later implementation changing).
- Function parameters
- The Perl way makes some nifty things possible, but it doesn't "make the easy things easy".
- Docstrings
- (Stolen shamelessly from Lisp, of course). Perl doesn't have an interactive mode (but see my RFC 184 for Perl6, which I hope will be approved), but even so docstrings would be nice. Not that PODs are bad...
Some of the points are awful:
- Less typing with Python:
No "concrete examples" to show this; a study of a short program implemented in both languages would go a long way to convince Perlers of this. Especially given that the claim is a bit odd -- most Pythoners I spoke to were enamoured of their language's verbosity, and said that made it better than Perl.
But WHY is this a measure of language quality? Surely Perl wouldn't be a better language if we removed length, on the grounds that y///c is one keystroke less?
Here's what put me off Python:
- No closures
When people say Perl lacks closures, they mean you have trouble if you define a named sub inside a named sub (and try to return it). Python is much worse, though: it invents a new concept of "scope". You have "outer scope" (globals, really) and "inner scope" (dynamic variables, like local creates in Perl). You cannot write
def adder(x):
return lambda y: x+y
a = adder(5)
print a(3)
because `x' is lost. The manual says to fudge it with default argument values, by drilling your variables down into the scope:
def adder(x):
return lambda y,a=x: a+y
This is horrible! After a=adder(5), a(3) gives me 8, but so does a(4,4).
Closures aren't some academic abstraction; for instance, they probably form the basis of the most readable, intuitive style for coding Perl/Tk (or any other GUI).
- Regexps
- What can I say? Perl does it better. I use regexps a lot; this "little language" is immensely powerful and intuitive.
Surprisingly, most of Python's real advantages have been eliminated, too!
- Tuples
- Internals said to be "nicer"
- If you've ever tried to write any non-trivial XS (or Swig or Inline), you probably cursed Perl. My Pythoneer friends say Python internals are nicer, and better-documented.
- Nice mechanism for "obsoleted" and "proposed" language features.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by Juerd (Abbot) on Apr 03, 2002 at 21:23 UTC
Greek doesn't look like our texts, but what does that say about grammar or pronunciation? Is Greek harder because it uses other symbols?
Even if Python were easier because of its curlyless syntax, does the dictated whitespace make it any easier? (Can editors find block begins/ends?)
How about all the other features a modern language has. Do your scripts not use regexes? How is a standard object defined? How are errors usually handled (can you do an easy "or die")?
Programming efficiency is a lot more than avoiding line noise. In business life, time really IS money.
How about freely available ready-to-use modules? HTML parsers? XML parsers? Database drivers? Conversion tools? Inline::-alikes?
(Syntactic) Sugar is nice, but you need vitamins to survive. | [reply] |
Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by atcroft (Abbot) on Apr 03, 2002 at 21:36 UTC
I quote...
"If you think this is a flame against Perl though, you've drastically missed my point. I'm here to present, from a coding standpoint, why I've come to see Python as an extremely cool language...for me, more useful than Perl I believe, and from there, to be shown -- by you, the viewer -- the contrary to my viewpoint."
and ...
"Please show me a contrary, and equally backed up, viewpoint on this debate. For reasons already cited "it sucks because it uses whitespace to group statements" or "Perl is better because it has default variables" don't fly. That's 100% pure opinion. The points I've shown above are concrete examples of why, even with best coding practices, character for character, and due to language design issues you will save characters in Python, and also shows specifically why it's easy to write tools to autogenerate Python module documentation without knowing any special documentation syntax."
Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, it strikes me that this was not an attempt to start a forest fire of sorts, but a plea for knowledge-a request for clear, logical, objective reasons and examples for one learning to continue to learn (besides the journey that is the learning itself).
Can anyone post examples in both of the same functionality, comparing/contrasting them, for instance? Examples related to their internal formats, or processing time, or resource efficiency would also seem to be in order (and these are the kinds of things I hoped for when I saw the post).
I believe that a wise man once said that when the only tool you have is a hammer, after a while all problems begin to look like nails. While I have considered trying to learn Python in addition to learning more of Perl, I must admit my lack of knowledge in Python (but then again, I consider myself still very much an "egg" in learning Perl); elsewise, I would try to offer some constructive comparison or example.
I look forward to following this thread, and I pray that more information will be presented which will allow objective consideration of the issue, and allow us to expand our wisdom.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by Starky (Chaplain) on Apr 04, 2002 at 04:19 UTC
All of this discussion about whether Perl or Python is better is like two identical twins calling each other ugly.
I've only dabbled in Python, but enough to know both Perl and Python are fine languages.
My preferences remain firmly with Perl because the syntax flows more naturally for me and there is just no substitute for the CPAN. I really enjoy being part of the Perl community as well, which is the most friendly and intellectually stimulating technical community I've ever seen :-)
In my professional life, whenever a language choice has been considered with the possibilities being Perl and Python, almost invariably (unless Java integration were needed) Perl ends up simply being the most practical choice.
While I look forward to more healthy debate, I hope the Perl and Python communities focus on complementing each other through efforts such as Parrot. Each will benefit more from supporting the other than by detracting because the qualities they have in common are the things that make each a strong language and technical community.
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by MungeMeister (Scribe) on Apr 03, 2002 at 19:45 UTC
Well, I have to say I ++'d your original post for starting a discussion comparing the 2 languages, but I've --'d most of your responses to other posts for acting like an ass instead of fostering any kind of real debate. What did you expect? The people here know and love Perl and probably don't know Python. That really limits the discussion.
That being said, the discussion in most ways, boils down to what I like. What works best for me. If there was an absolute best language, then there would be only one.
Personally, I like the character to denote scalar, array, hash. I like that a scalar can have the same name as an array if I want. I like that I'm not forced into OO when I want to write a one time program that doesn't need it. I like that there is more than one way to do it. If you don't like that, great! Go ahead and use Python. Isn't it great, you have a choice!
Now, quit behaving badly because people don't like your opinion, which is all you've stated. They are stating their opinion.
If you want similar fun, why don't you take a trip to Canada and start a debate about which language is better, French or English....
MungeMeister | [reply] |
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Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code
by rje (Deacon) on Sep 01, 2005 at 19:09 UTC
This is an old, old thread, but I feel like throwing in two cents, since I've recently been seeing how Python feels. And it feels strange. Not necessarily bad, just strange.
First, it doesn't give you many hypotenuses. Don't get me wrong, there are some nice shorthands, to be sure -- the slice syntax is cool and could be borrowed -- and its object-orientation is politically correct and (more importantly) doesn't look bizarre. And its treatment of Strings as Lists is, in the long view, probably correct. However, I've seen no other syntax benefit so far over Perl, and in fact that pales in comparison the cool shortcuts that Perl gives for free. And the CPAN sweatshop, where you can Find It's Already Been Done For You.
Moreover, there are some things that would be sorely missed if I had to use Python for some jobs. In particular, it feels too far removed from closures. This is purely a side-effect of not using explicit block delimiters, I suspect. The lack of Perl's concise range operator is painful to me. There's also a slight whiff of Java about when I code in Python. And any niceness in syntax is nullified by some very strange things which will, due to frequent usage, bother me all the time, such as the trailing comma on the print statement! What's the problem here? Why can't you use \n, or at least bow to Java and have print() vs println()?
And, though I haven't delved deeply into it, variable interpolation in strings looks painful in Python. Isn't the C language 30 years old now?
Next, there are a couple things I'm waiting for in Perl6. In particular, a more sensible way of declaring, creating, and handling objects and object methods. Python captured the essence of quiet object-orientation. And I'm all for the loose mixin-like behavior of Perl6 (and Ruby) too. And, already explicit is the ability to change Perl to what you want it to be via predeclaration. All is fair if you predeclare is my mantra. (You can even do that now in Perl5 with source filtering.) If I want to steal some hacks from Arc then I can predeclare them in my Perl modules. This is a big win.
To sum up, basic Python is just a hybrid Perl-Java-LISP language which appears to bring little that is new. And while I love Perl, respect Java, and like LISP, and think emulating them to some degree is admirable and even worthwhile, I still get the feeling that I'd rather have the "value" (if that can be assessed) of Java and LISP without sacrificing Perl.
I think it's time to put Python back on the shelf, and see what Ruby feels like. | [reply] |
*delurk* This really isn't the place for anything vaguely indepth, but:
There's also a slight whiff of Java about when I code in Python
If your Python feels like Java you're probably not using it correctly - I suspect that you're using range() for indexing. If you're using range(len(foo)) use enumerate() instead. I also suspect you haven't been using generators, iterators, and listcomps as often as you should have been.
In particular, it feels too far removed from closures.
Hmm... Python has closures, just not anonymous ones (though because strings and numbers are immutable and one has to store variables in a mutable object (list or dict), classes - or in some cases generators - may be preferred).
Regarding print, if you're using lots of prints terminating in commas, your code probably isn't very Pythonic...(trailing comma is likely to be removed in 3.0)
Variable interpolation is as painful as C's (though you can use string.template for interpolation closer to Perl's)
Anyway, have fun with Ruby ;-) *relurk*
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