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RE:(4) Balancing Parens

by swiftone (Curate)
on Jun 01, 2000 at 22:39 UTC ( [id://15883]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to RE: RE: Re: Balancing Parens
in thread Balancing Parens


Acrobatics, P/H, default(DX-6), page(B48) Bicycling, P/E, default(DX-4, SK:Motorcycle), page(B48) Breath Control, M/VH, page(B48) Free Fall, P/A, default(DX-5, HT-5), page(B48) Jumping, P/E, page(B48) Parachuting, P/E, default(DX-4, IQ-6), page(B48) Swimming, P/E, gives(=@max(@int(%Level/10), 1) to Swim), default(DX-4, + ST-5), page(B49)
These being 4,4,3,4,3,4, and 5 elements respectively.
The last one is a more complicated one, and the third element should be: gives(=@max(@int(%Level/10), 1) to Swim)
There is no limit to how many function calls can be embeded (so func1(func2(func3(...funcN()...) )

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: RE:(4) Balancing Parens
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 17, 2000 at 10:20 UTC
    $_=' Acrobatics, P/H, default(DX-6), page(B48) Bicycling, P/E, default(DX-4, SK:Motorcycle), page(B48) Breath Control, M/VH, page(B48) Free Fall, P/A, default(DX-5, HT-5), page(B48) Jumping, P/E, page(B48) Parachuting, P/E, default(DX-4, IQ-6), page(B48) Swimming, P/E, gives(=@max(@int(%Level/10), 1) to Swim), default(DX-4, + ST-5), page(B49) '; ($re=$_)=~s/((\()|(\))|.)/$2\Q$1\E$3/gs; @$ = (eval{/$re/}); die $@ if $@=~/unmatched/; $re = join'|',map{quotemeta}@$; print join"\n",/((?:$re|[^,])+)/g;

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