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GD thumbnail script errors

by silent11 (Vicar)
on Apr 17, 2002 at 19:26 UTC ( [id://159955]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

silent11 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to make jpeg image thumbnails with GD, not Image::Magick.
I found the following code below here, but I can't get it to work right
Sometimes I get errors, and sometimes it works, when it does work,
the thumbnail only slightly resmebles the source file.

What is going wrong?

-thanks in advance,
#! perl -w use GD; my $source = 'meat.jpg'; my $Thumbnail = 'thumb_' . "$source"; my $maxheight = 150; my $maxwidth = 150; my $srcimage = GD::Image->newFromJpeg("$source"); my ($srcW,$srcH) = $srcimage->getBounds(); my $wdiff = $srcW - $maxwidth; my $hdiff = $srcH - $maxheight; my $newH; my $newW; if ($wdiff > $hdiff) { $newW = $maxwidth; $aspect = ($newW/$srcW); $newH = int($srcH * $aspect); } else { $newH = $maxheight; $aspect = ($newH/$srcH); $newW = int($srcW * $aspect); } print "converting $srcW:$srcH to $newW:$newH\n"; my $newimage = new GD::Image($newW,$newH); $newimage->copyResized($srcimage,0,0,0,0,$newW,$newH,$srcW,$srcH); open(FILE, ">$Thumbnail") || die "Cannot open $Thumbnail : $!\n"; print FILE $newimage->jpeg;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
(Guildenstern) Not using GD, but it works...
by Guildenstern (Deacon) on Apr 17, 2002 at 21:03 UTC
    I wrote a similar script to create thumbnails of images, but instead of using GD, I used some of Tk's functionality. Here's the relevant snippet:
    use Tk; use Tk::JPEG; use Image::Size; #..snip.. my $main = new MainWindow; my $canvar = $main->Canvas()->grid; #..snip.. # $im_format is either "gif" or "jpeg" # $_ is full path to file my $image = $canvar->Photo('-format' => $im_format, -file => $_); # Using the Image::Size module my ($x, $y) = imgsize($_); # An easy number for me to use - YMMV my $scale_factor = ceil($x / 100); # This will be the thumb my $newimg = $canvar->Photo(); # This is where the magic happens $newimg->copy($image,'-subsample' =>$scale_factor); # Write it to file $newimg->write($thumb_name, -format => $im_format); # Housekeeping $image->delete(); $newimg->delete(); #..snip..

    Not super elegant, but it works!

    Negaterd character class uber alles!
Re: GD thumbnail script errors
by fireartist (Chaplain) on Apr 17, 2002 at 23:05 UTC
    I've never used GD, so I won't comment on your code, but I do know my image editing.
    If your script isn't outputting any errors, and the final image does "slightly resemble the source file", it may be a problem in the way you're resizing, rather than any errors in the code you're using.

    I'll explain:
    If the original image is significantly larger than the final thumbnail, then you may need to resize it in two or three steps, to maintain image quality. I personally don't like to reduce an image by more than 25% in one pass, particularly if the final image is very small (and 150x150 is quite small).

    I can't provide GD specific code for this, but what I suggest you could do is something like this,
    (Please note, this is not real code, this is to explain the theory to you)
    open image; get image_width; if (image_width > (150 * 4)) { change_image_size to "25%"; } change_image_size to final_thumbnail_size; print_image;
Re: GD thumbnail script errors
by blogan (Monk) on Apr 17, 2002 at 22:22 UTC
    Make sure you close the file, otherwise you might not have the buffers flushed. I don't know for sure if Perl does this automatically for you or not.
Re: GD thumbnail script errors
by silent11 (Vicar) on Apr 17, 2002 at 21:23 UTC
    I can't edit my node for some reason, so I'll update it here.
    I forgot to set binmode() after opening my file, and before printing to it. like this :
    binmode (FILE);
Re: GD thumbnail script errors
by mattr (Curate) on Apr 18, 2002 at 14:00 UTC
    Not completely sure, but the code at the link you mentioned has at least two typos. unless the same method is flipping a dice to decide whether it prints a jpeg or a png.. and chicken has only one c. So I wouldn't trust it to be correct.

    I've had good results with gimp and perl-fu which I found does high-quality resizing.

    You might like to see if you can properly load the jpeg and save it to a new file without resizing it first. Conceivably GD can't read someone's implementation.

Re: GD thumbnail script errors
by dmmiller2k (Chaplain) on Apr 20, 2002 at 12:07 UTC
    For what it's worth, merlyn wrote a column in WebTechniques addressing the issue of thumbnails, at Thumbnails with PBMTOOLS (Sep 98). Although he doesn't use GD, perhaps the structure of the code will offer you some assistance.


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