You could try something like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Uses
use strict;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Variant;
use Win32::OLE::Const;
use File::Find;
# Variables
use vars qw($MSWord $wd $startdir);
# Where to start the doc search
# Create new MSWord object and load constants
$MSWord=Win32::OLE->new('Word.Application','Quit') or
die "Could not load MS Word";
# Find documents
sub rTxt {
# We only want .doc files (no links...)
return unless /\.doc$/ && -f && ! -l;
# Open document
my $doc = $MSWord->Documents->Open({FileName=>$File::Find::name});
# Exit nicely if we couldn't open doc
return unless $doc;
# Print some info
print $File::Find::name,"\n";
# Content object
my $content=$doc->Content;
# Find object
my $find=$content->Find;
# Close document
It uses the built-in Find-And-Replace function that comes with MS Word. If you want to
do any other more complex things (like s/^Yoo/Hello/i) you'll have to do stuff to the
whole Content object.
The major problem with OLE Automation in my opinion is that it is painfully slow.
If you have a large ammount of MS Word docs, this stunt will probably take ages.
/brother t0mas