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by j.a.p.h. (Pilgrim)
on Jun 04, 2000 at 20:36 UTC ( [id://16309]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

#perlmonks quotes --- <jc> "Two wrongs don't make a right, and two bored people don't make a +n interesting person." --- [23:50:57] <ar0n> I fuck often enough. (...snip...) [23:54:48] <fatcow> [23:52:25] <ar0n> I fuck often enough. [23:54:49] <fatcow> ... [23:55:21] *** japh ponder quoting ar0n on his homenode [23:55:23] <ar0n> !! [23:55:32] <ar0n> Damnit! [23:55:34] <fatcow> please do, japh [23:55:39] <ar0n> I meant "use fuck often enough" !! [23:55:43] <ar0n> Fuck! [23:55:44] <japh> Uh huh [23:55:48] <ar0n> That's not what I meant! [23:55:56] *** fatcow coughs. [23:56:03] *** japh clears his throat --- [22:44:57] <cows> Is our full opinionated battery here? I want comment +s on the SCOTUS ruling from today. [22:45:52] * Saveth finds himself unable to parse that acronym. [22:46:05] <cows> Supreme... [22:46:11] <Saveth> Court. [22:46:15] <cows> of [22:46:17] <japh> The [22:46:24] <jc> United [22:46:29] <japh> States [22:46:35] <cows> ding. --- [22:55:51] <Prospero> Your xhtml-fu is strong... but your 400-characte +r lines make your code difficult, grasshopper. [22:56:30] <ailie> word wrap [22:56:38] <Prospero> Bah. [22:57:01] <Prospero> What about the poor folks on vt100s? [22:57:36] <ailie> I don't write my xhtml on a vt100. [22:57:38] <Prospero> What about the geezers? Won't someone please th +ink about the geezers? [22:57:39] <ailie> :) [22:58:05] <japh> We try not to, generally. They're smelly and tend to + babble endlessly. [22:58:24] * Prospero whacks japh in the shin with his cane. [22:58:28] <japh> Ouch! [22:58:32] <Prospero> Damned kids. --- <jc> I have a dream. <ailie> I had a dream. <jc> Did yours involve fourteen twenty-three year old horny Amazon wom +en? <ailie> No. <jc> Sadly, neither did mine. <jc> I can't seem to get a grip on this directed dreaming thing. --- <Macphisto> What is it? <ar0n> A movie. <Macphisto> yea, I figured that part. <ar0n> That'll be $5. <ar0n> Information doesn't come free, you know. <Macphisto> damn. <tye> it is a comedy. One of my favorites and little appreciated. * Macphisto shells out five bones <Macphisto> information superhighway robbery, this is. <ar0n> It's the way of the future! <tye> ".NET" is terser --- * Petruchio ponders sublime mothballs. --- * Petruchio thinks chestnuts are lazy. --- * ailie is now known as God --- <ar0n> s <ar0n> t <ar0n> u <ar0n> b <ar0n> err <ar0n> v <ar0n> w <ar0n> x <ar0n> y <ar0n> z [ ed. note: Isn't it nice to know the developers know the alphabet? ] --- <jc> The Three Laws of Politics are: <jc> A politician may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, +allow a human being to come to harm. <jc> A politician must obey the orders given it by human beings except + where such orders would conflict with the First Law. <jc> A politician must protect its own existence as long as such prote +ction does not conflict with the First or Second Law. --- [14:58:49] <larsen> mmm 70 songs recalls me something I never dared to + share with other monks... [14:58:59] <briac> share! [14:59:06] <larsen> I'll negate I said it... [14:59:30] <briac> of course [15:00:22] <larsen> I think Randal was formerly known as one of the Ab +ba's singers... --- * tye has quit IRC (Quit: your relived, I'm sure) <Petruchio> "you're" --- [20:43:14] <japh> Tea good. [20:44:15] <cow> With lots of sugar. [20:44:22] <japh> Just a little. [20:44:44] <ar0n> You drink your tea with sugar? [20:44:48] <ar0n> Heathens. [20:45:49] <japh> I prefer it with honey, though. [20:49:06] <cow> I put tons of sugar in my tea [20:49:35] <ar0n> I don't like tea in my sugar. [20:49:39] <ar0n> Crap! [20:49:48] <ar0n> I mean, I don't like sugar in my tea. [20:50:41] <japh> I don't like tea in my sugar, either... [20:51:21] <ar0n> Quiet, you! --- [15:29:36] <ar0n> OH [15:29:38] <ar0n> Wait [15:29:40] <ar0n> YEs [15:29:42] <ar0n> Nevermind [15:29:44] <ar0n> D'oh. [15:29:55] <ar0n> wutevr i dont car nemore [15:30:30] <ar0n> u all sukc!!! [15:30:43] * booradley slaps ar0n [15:30:48] <booradley> Snap out of it, man! [15:30:50] <ar0n> I'm sorry. [15:30:56] <japh> Yes you are sorry. [15:31:02] <ar0n> Yes, I am. [15:31:25] *** ChanServ sets mode: -o ar0n [15:31:29] <cow> You've been demoted. [15:31:38] <ar0n> :< [15:31:39] <japh> Even ChanServ thinks you're sorry. [15:31:43] <xunker> You are now ASSISTANT bootlicker. [15:31:51] <ar0n> Yes, sir. [15:33:13] <ar0n> Sorry, sir. --- [00:08:37] *** cow ( Quit (Quit: Find out how + to lose graciously.) [00:09:50] *** cow ( has joined #perlmonks [00:09:50] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o cow [00:10:31] <ar0n> u luser!! [00:10:55] <cow> u shutup u pussy [00:10:58] *** cow sets mode: -o cow [00:11:28] *** cow ( Quit (Quit: again) [00:12:45] *** cow ( has joined #perlmonks [00:12:45] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o cow [00:15:04] *** cow ( has left #perlmonks [00:15:36] *** cow ( has joined #perlmonks [00:15:36] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o cow [00:15:43] <ar0n> wut r u duin!! [00:16:24] <cow> i dont no [00:16:41] <ar0n> y r u quting!!? [00:21:08] <cow> i waznt quting i waz partin that tiem [00:21:21] <ar0n> but y u luser! [00:21:33] <dusk> heh [00:21:40] <japh> Both of you stop. [00:22:05] <ar0n> wut! y!! u sukc! shut up! [00:22:47] <dusk> OMG!!! LOL!!!! URSODUM!! HEHEHEOMG! [00:22:56] <dusk> sorry. I couldn't resist. [00:23:03] <cow> becuz i waz tryin 2 fix xchats colorz u punk shutup o +k u have no rihgt 2 talk abuot me liek u kno me ok so 2 just shutup [00:23:11] * japh wonders if he can do a mass kick [00:23:20] *** cow sets mode: -o japh [00:23:28] <dusk> heh [00:23:28] <japh> Did I say that out loud? --- [00:23:11] <Petruchio> Oh, by the way, redmist... I'm a doctor too... +I strongly recommend you remove your appendix using a razor blade, a +bottle of scotch, and a roll of gauze. [00:25:08] <redmist> OK! [00:25:24] <japh> Tonsils, too. (Ph.D. from Certs-R-Us) [00:25:26] <redmist> * sounds of pain * [00:25:38] <redmist> * uuuggghhh* [00:25:43] <redmist> * jeez! * [00:25:47] <redmist> * gurgle * [00:25:50] * redmist dies [00:26:04] <japh> So who get's sued for malpractice..? [00:26:41] <Petruchio> Brainbench. Their test was too easy. --- [19:21:47] <japh> chili would be good right now... [19:22:09] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:16] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:30] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:33] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:35] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:36] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:38] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:38] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:39] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:39] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:39] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:40] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:42] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:50] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:52] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:52] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:54] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:54] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:54] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:55] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:56] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:56] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:57] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:22:57] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:58] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:22:59] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:00] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:02] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:03] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:04] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:05] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:07] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:07] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:09] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:10] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:12] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:13] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:18] <Jona> [ this could go on forever ] [19:23:19] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:20] <Arguile> Thank you. [19:23:21] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:22] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:23] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:24] <Arguile> What?? [19:23:24] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:24] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:25] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:26] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:27] <Arguile> Your time is up. [19:23:28] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:28] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:30] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:33] <Arguile> No it's not. [19:23:35] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:35] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:36] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:38] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:39] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:40] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:41] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:43] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:45] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:46] <Jona> Yes, it would. [19:23:47] <Arguile> I'm not going to argue, your 5 minutes is up. [19:23:48] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:48] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:49] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:51] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:52] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:23:53] <Jona> No it wouldn't. [19:23:54] <japh> Yes, it would. [19:24:04] *** You were kicked from #perlmonks by Jona (No it wouldn't +.) [19:24:21] *** Now talking in #perlmonks [19:24:22] *** Jona sets mode: +o japh [19:24:29] *** Jona sets mode: -o Jona [19:24:35] *** Jona was kicked by japh (Yes, it would.) [19:24:40] *** Jona ( has joined #perlmonks [19:24:48] <japh> Okay, I'm done. [19:24:52] <Jona> Me too. [19:24:55] <Jona> But it wouldn't. [19:24:59] <japh> Sure it would. [19:25:08] <Jona> Perhaps. [19:25:13] <Jona> But just as well not. [19:25:19] <japh> I would enjoy it, anyway. [19:25:29] <Jona> You would. --- [21:26:40] *** japh mumbles [21:27:30] <Jona> What's that? You'll have to speak up... [21:27:40] *** japh MUMBLES [21:27:54] <Jona> What's that? You'll have to speak up a little more.. +. [21:28:04] *** japh MUMBLES LOUDLY [21:29:03] <Petruchio> That's all the louder you can mumble? [21:29:20] <japh> Yes. I'm sorry. [21:29:55] <Petruchio> # # [21:29:56] <Petruchio> ############## [21:29:56] <Petruchio> # # [21:29:56] <Petruchio> # [21:29:56] <Petruchio> # # [21:29:56] <Petruchio> ##### [21:29:58] <Petruchio> ## [21:30:00] <Petruchio> ## [21:30:02] <Petruchio> ####### [21:30:04] <Petruchio> # [21:30:06] <Petruchio> # # [21:30:08] <Petruchio> # ### [21:30:10] <Petruchio> [21:30:12] <Petruchio> ########## [21:30:14] <Petruchio> # [21:30:16] <Petruchio> # [21:30:18] <Petruchio> # [21:30:22] <Petruchio> ######## [21:30:24] <Petruchio> # [21:30:26] <Petruchio> ## [21:30:28] <Petruchio> ### [21:30:30] <Petruchio> [21:30:32] <Petruchio> ######## [21:30:34] <Petruchio> # [21:30:36] <Petruchio> [21:30:38] <Petruchio> ######## [21:30:40] <Petruchio> ## [21:30:42] <Petruchio> ####### [21:30:44] <Petruchio> # [21:30:46] <Petruchio> # # [21:30:48] <Petruchio> # [21:30:52] <Petruchio> # # [21:30:54] <Petruchio> ############## [21:30:56] <Petruchio> # [21:30:58] <Petruchio> # [21:31:00] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:02] <Petruchio> # [21:31:04] <Petruchio> ######## ## [21:31:06] <Petruchio> ## [21:31:08] <Petruchio> ####### [21:31:10] <Petruchio> # [21:31:12] <Petruchio> # # [21:31:14] <Petruchio> ###### [21:31:16] <Petruchio> [21:31:18] <Petruchio> [21:31:22] <Petruchio> [21:31:24] <Petruchio> [21:31:26] <Petruchio> [21:31:28] <Petruchio> [21:31:30] <Petruchio> # [21:31:32] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:34] <Petruchio> # [21:31:36] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:38] <Petruchio> # [21:31:40] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:42] <Petruchio> # [21:31:44] <Petruchio> [21:31:46] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:48] <Petruchio> # [21:31:52] <Petruchio> [21:31:54] <Petruchio> ######## [21:31:56] <Petruchio> # [21:31:58] <Petruchio> ######## [21:32:00] <Petruchio> # [21:32:02] <Petruchio> ######## [21:32:04] <Petruchio> # [21:32:06] <Petruchio> ######## [21:32:08] <Petruchio> # [21:32:10] <Petruchio> # # [21:32:12] <Petruchio> ############## [21:32:14] <Petruchio> # # [21:32:16] <Petruchio> # # [21:32:18] <Petruchio> ###### [21:32:22] <Petruchio> # # [21:32:24] <Petruchio> ############## [21:32:26] <Petruchio> ## [21:32:28] <Petruchio> ####### [21:32:30] <Petruchio> # [21:32:32] <Petruchio> # # [21:32:34] <Petruchio> # ### [21:32:36] <Petruchio> ## # [21:32:38] <Petruchio> # #### [21:32:40] <Petruchio> # ## [21:32:42] <Petruchio> # ## # [21:32:44] <Petruchio> ### [21:32:46] <Petruchio> That's loud. [21:33:37] <japh> You're sick. ---

Apparently, I'm #13 on the Top Monks of All Time list! Woohoo!

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