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Re:(5:)Specific Examples? - Re: A Macro System for Perl?

by Elian (Parson)
on May 03, 2002 at 21:11 UTC ( [id://163910]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re:(4:)Specific Examples? - Re: A Macro System for Perl?
in thread A Macro System for Perl?

Printing's a rather significant piece of work, though--take a look at the hoops perl potentially has to jump through to do something like "print $foo". ('Specially if $foo is overloaded or tied)

Anyway, while Lisp is rather difficult to optimize in some ways, it's not at all tough to compile. I think you'll find that, for those tasks which fit a Lisp mindset well, Lisp will wipe the floor with perl. If Lisp is running interpreted, then Perl's likely to win for some stuff, but never underestimate the power of compilation...

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Re: Re:(5:)Specific Examples? - Re: A Macro System for Perl?
by shotgunefx (Parson) on May 05, 2002 at 17:40 UTC
    I don't disagree on the power of compiliation. I come from a low level programming background originally. (Video drivers, graphics engines.) I was under the false impression that most Lisps are interpreted.

    As an aside, this is IMHO one of the better threads to come across the Monastery in a bit.


    "To be civilized is to deny one's nature."
      The one thing to keep in mind is that Lisp and its descendant Scheme are the darlings of the Scary Smart people and, as such, gets a fair amount of research work thrown at them. And undergrad/grad student slave labor. (Never under (or over) estimate the power of student slave labor! :)

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