in reply to Re: Re: File Sent via HTTP Content in thread File Sent via HTTP Content
Well, the entire system was written within a fortnight (database design,planning to the finish product) with me holed up in a B+B during the time, so it was a bit of a rush job. chromatic mentioned 'fixed the upload', well the plugin I had to work with cost the company I was working for $0.25million so getting it re-written in the time scale allowed wasn't a possibility.How would you use to handle the sort of crap I had to deal with (all the plugin sent to the server with the appropriate URL in the request, no other header data, and just the body just contained <doc>...<doc> - if could handle it, I'll re-write the system, but the upload was so 'broken' in regard to the RFC's I didn't see a way it could cope!