Sorry impossiblerobot - i indeed did miss that
rather clear requirement. How about a cleaner HTML::Template solution?
use strict;
use CGI qw(header);
use HTML::Template;
my $data = do {local $/; <DATA>};
my $template = HTML::Template->new(
scalarref => \$data,
questions => [
question => 'What is your favorite number?',
radio => [
regular => 'question01',
value => 'a',
label => 5,
regular => 'question01',
value => 'b',
label => 7,
regular => 'question01',
value => 'c',
label => 13,
special => 'question01',
value => 'd',
label => 'Other',
text => 'other',
question => 'Where did you hear about this product?',
radio => [
regular => 'question02',
value => 'a',
label => 'Friend',
special => 'question02',
value => 'b',
label => 'Magazine',
text => 'magname',
regular => 'question02',
value => 'c',
label => 'Brochure',
special => 'question02',
value => 'd',
label => 'Other',
text => 'other',
print header, $template->output;
<tmpl_loop questions>
<tmpl_var question><br/>
<tmpl_loop radio>
<tmpl_unless special>
<input type="radio" name="<tmpl_var regular>" value="<tmpl_va
+r value>"/><tmpl_var label><br/>
<input type="radio" name="<tmpl_var special>" value="<tmpl_va
+r value>"/><tmpl_var label> (please specify:)
<input type="text" name="<tmpl_var text>"/><br/>
<input type="submit">
Now for the fun part - getting the right values out! You
might want to prefix each text box with the letter and
call them all 'other'. For example, instead of calling
the Magazine textbox 'magname', call it something along the
lines of 'b-other' so you can dynamical retrieve it from
CGI::param(). This is just off the top of my head
(/me winks at BUU), but you get the point. Good luck!
(the triplet paradiddle with high-hat)