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Re: remove section by section?

by tachyon (Chancellor)
on May 08, 2002 at 05:38 UTC ( [id://164918]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to remove section by section?

Here is some starter code. You essentially have an XML file to parse. You need to know How to RTFM and search the site as this sort of task is very common.

# get your data into a string: my $data = join '', <DATA>; # declare a hash variable my %secs; # use a regex match to get the bits while ($data =~ m|<([^>]+)>([^<]+)</\1>|g ) { $secs{$1} = $2; } print "Regex Method\n"; print "\nSection: '$_'\n", $secs{$_} for keys %secs; # or use XML::Simple to parse it (generally better) ... use XML::Simple; my $hash = XMLin($data); print "\n\nXML Method\n"; print "\nSection: '$_'\n", $secs{$_} for keys %$hash; __DATA__ <xml> <section1> blah1 blah1 </section1> <section2> blah2 blah2 </section2> <section3> blah3 blah3 </section3> </xml>

I would suggest a hash as the data structure because it is easy to index to and delete chunks. XML::Simple will write your hash back to a file for you as well as parse the file directly. Read the docs.




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