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Re: Re: Re: Turning HTML into an Image

by beebware (Pilgrim)
on May 11, 2002 at 12:38 UTC ( [id://165867]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Turning HTML into an Image
in thread Turning HTML into an Image

Ah, sounds like you've found the HTML to HTML2PS to GhostScript to JPEG method that I used before I discovered ImageMagick (which still needs HTML2PS to convert HTML files).

First I would download and then (if you really wanted to keep as much of the code in Perl as possible, download PerlMagick: but be warned, I know on Windows machines it can take quite a bit of tweaking to get working). Then install HTML2PS.

Once you've got ImageMagick+HTML2PS setup, I would call the convert function with the command convert myinputfile.html myoutputfile.jpg. The reason I used ImageMagick for the project I worked on was because I needed to make thumbnail images on the fly for a large number of different image types.

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