Madams's user image
User since: Jun 07, 2000 at 08:57 UTC (24 years ago)
Last here: Jan 22, 2024 at 10:29 UTC (13 weeks ago)
Experience: 701
Level:Pilgrim (8)
Writeups: 49
Location:South St Paul MN
User's localtime: Apr 25, 2024 at 03:58 -06
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I'm a corporate bookkeeper for Warner's Stellian my first computer was a Sinclair ZX-80 ordered from PopSci mag.

Having fun with TEXnical writing, it's fun so that I figured out how to get a dvi file to print properly. If anyone has any cool styles or macros etc (Especially Tips/Tricks) for TEX and is willing to share, drop me a line!

My Nodelinks:

  1. ..I wanna be like tilly...tilly's page.
  2. The Jargon File.
  3. Answer: How can I visualize my complex data structure?

Languages I use:

  1. Perl ..ocassionally shoot my foot.
  2. C/C++ more experianced, but still can't find a use for Duff's Device...
  3. Lisp (I can bring Emacs to it's knees) can't do much else in Lisp yet...definately still new to Lisp.
  4. Java (Nice language if you like B/D)...everything MUST be an object and support certain methods, sigh. Friggin CLASSPATH and security crap...
  5. Maxima (cool computer algebra language) i've been using it for some statistics programs where i need to expand polynomials of NASTY proportions ie: (x+y-2z2+i)20.
  6. Q (an eQuational programming language), pretty cool havn't been doing more than playing around with it yet.
  7. 2006-04-09, deadlink:
    EiC: Interpreted C s‎crip‎ting is here! great fun!.
  8. Ch is a C/C++ interpreter and s‎crip‎ting language environment.

FAQ's I've got a link for:

  1. Q231998 - FP2000 How to Use Perl with Microsoft Personal Web Server on Windows 95-98
