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Re: Would Perl be a good choice for

by Reverend Phil (Pilgrim)
on May 29, 2002 at 13:46 UTC ( [id://170078]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Would Perl be a good choice for converting MS Access files to PDF

As my first GUI project, I have a front-end to a (currently) MS Access database, with functionality for entering and retrieving data via DBD::ODBC. With the data, I create a PDF containing text, lines/rectangles, graphics, and barcodes. I shopped around for a decent module out of those that were available, and settled in on PDF::API2. There are some limitations of course, and there may have even been updates since I've put this into production (it was rather active if I remember correctly), but it was able to handle what I needed, and didn't take *too* long to figure out how to use without knowing a thing about the internals of a PDF. Let me know if you go that route and get stuck at all.. I'd be happy to over-comment chunks of code that are accomplishing something similar to what you are doing.


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