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Re: Do you plan to attend YAPC::America::North 2002?

by adamsj (Hermit)
on Jun 09, 2002 at 03:47 UTC ( [id://172878]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Do you plan to attend YAPC::America::North 2002?

I'm getting married June 29--reason enough?

I wish I could be there, though--the orignal plan was to get married the next weekend, but things change.


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Re: Re: Do you plan to attend YAPC::America::North 2002?
by delegatrix (Scribe) on Jun 11, 2002 at 12:50 UTC
    Get married *at* YAPC. Or am I the only one sick enough to think of that?

    Wait, don't start the rumors. I'm not actually doing it. It's just an idea . . . meet at YAPC, marry at YAPC.

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