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Re: Re: Re: How to know whether question in SOPW is entirely answered or not?

by Beatnik (Parson)
on Jun 17, 2002 at 21:42 UTC ( [id://175197]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: How to know whether question in SOPW is entirely answered or not?
in thread How to know whether question in SOPW is entirely answered or not?

To cover about 10% of your node, the "Zombie" questions that get posted on a late friday evening, often do get answered for several reasons:
  1. We're GEEKS (like it or not), we'll check PM any time of day.. some of us arent bound to working hours
  2. Timezones differ
  3. Someone is always looking for an easy way to score XP (*oops*)
  4. There's always the CB if a node doesnt get enough attention
  5. randomnode
I doubt any question can be answered 100% (or rather, will be answered 100%) because there is so much to know about Perl. Ofcourse it's silly to mention perlguts as part of a simple scalar question but somehow it's part of 100% of the answer :)

Perl is like sex: if you're doing it wrong, there's no fun to it.
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