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Using the Chatterbox: Private Messaging

by SiteDocClan (Initiate)
on Jun 11, 2000 at 01:00 UTC ( [id://17534]=sitefaqlet: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Using the Chatterbox: Private Messaging

Complete info on private messaging is available in Using the Message Inbox.

PerlMonks users can send private messages to each other. Sending a private message is typically done via one of the Chatterbox clients: simply begin the message text with /msg other_username.

For example, someone could send vroom a message by entering:

/msg vroom This site is great!
See /msg for more info.

Private messages can be sent even if the other user is not logged on. The message will show up in their private message inbox the next time they log in.

Note: Private messaging is only available to registered PerlMonks users. If you haven't registered yet, create a new user.

If another user is bothering you, you can block all messages from that user. To do this, enter /ignore other_username. This will block private messages to your inbox from that user. For more info on this, see /ignore. To see a list of users you are currently ignoring, go to Ignored Users.

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