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Re: Cookie not being set - FIXED

by Indomitus (Scribe)
on Jun 24, 2002 at 16:18 UTC ( [id://176846]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Cookie not being set

Thanks a lot for everybody's help. I changed over to using CGI rather than CGI::Cookie and I also changed to use redirect rather than header and now everything looks like it's working fine. I don't know it seemed to be working before, that's weird.

btw, I'm not sending the password in the cookie, it's another string that just identifies the user. I only call it userpass since in my original code I was sending the password. I've learned the error of my ways though.

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Re: Re: Cookie not being set - FIXED
by DSPerlCoder (Novice) on Jun 26, 2002 at 00:47 UTC
    Your problem may have been that in the cookie you have to set:
    domain => ""

    In the browser, if you just have the "" without the "www." it won't work. The dot in 'domain => "" requires that a name is in front of "".

    For example: "" <-- Will work
    "" <-- Will NOT work

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