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Re: I have a .cgi create a file, can I have it automatically FTPed to me or something?

by neilwatson (Priest)
on Jun 27, 2002 at 19:47 UTC ( [id://177829]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to I have a .cgi create a file, can I have it automatically FTPed to me or something?

Yes it's possible. However, before you go any further, what is between your local hard drive and the server on which MERGE.cgi resides. There are security issues here:

1. Your password will be stored in plain text on the server.

2. Your password will be transmitted via plain text for all to see.

Consider using scp or sftp that comes with the ssh package. Or consider having the server email you the file. Perhaps using mpack.

Neil Watson

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