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Advice on building a CPAN mirrorby rah (Monk) |
on Jun 28, 2002 at 02:27 UTC ( [id://177910]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
rah has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Greetings, Can anyone offer any advice, assistance, or even an RTFM about how to create a CPAN mirror? I'm looking for the practical stuff, beyond the FAQs on CPAN itself. My concern was the initial load. That concern turned out to be justified. Using the FTP mirror script pointed to from the CPAN FAQ, I was able to start pulling the archive. However, my FTP sessions would invariably die before a very significant portion was transferred. Later I tried rsync (which has gotten me into hot water with our security group, who didn't want to open the firewall to a protocol they weren't familiar with). This clearly was a better, more efficient approach. But the initial load is huge. The MOTD displayed on the rsync to the main CPAN archive even warns against trying to pull the entire archive. My question is; have any brother monks, set up a CPAN mirror, and if so, what advice could they offer on the best approach for the initial load? By author seems to be the primary means by which the archive is organized. Thus far, I have been stepping through subsets of the alphabet, to try and transfer more manageable sized pieces. Is this the best approach? Suggestions? TIA,
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