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Re: Little knowledge that can change lives

by iza (Monk)
on Jun 28, 2002 at 14:54 UTC ( [id://178033]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Little knowledge that can change lives

i don't think that top-down analysis is enough to solve everyday's problem - but i strongly believe that working in computer science (and/or having studied in this field) learn us a very very very important thing : errors ARE the way to learn. You can't really learn without failing (falling ?!) first ... and failing is NOT an awful thing, and errors are NOT bad as such. THAT eases one's live, as you learn to learn from your errors instead of beeing blocked/affected by them.
I'm currently debugging my life ;]
Serioulsly i've been reading studies saying that computer science should be teached very early, to very young pupils, so that they can learn that not beeing right at the first time is actually a good sign : it proves that you've tried and you're learning - whereas at school you mostly learn that not trying is better than beeing wrong ....
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