A nit, though. I don't know diddly 'bout JavaScript, but are backslashed backslashes allowed in strings? If so, this grammar doesn't allow for this.
Sure it does, try the perl 5 version that I have at the end:
sub quoted_string
my $type = quotemeta shift;
return qr/
(?<= \\ ) $type
my $data = qq(This "is a quoted string" and so is "this" and
this one "has \\\\ \\" backslashes" and other unrelated stuff);
my @matches = $data =~ / ((??{ quoted_string( qq(") ) })) /xg;
print join("\n\n",@matches);
Also, here are a few Javascript code snippets for those unfamiliar with Javascript:
function Some_Function (arg1, arg2) { }
do { } while (1)
for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { }
while (1) { }
Its pretty much just like C, for those who are familiar with that (except Javascript variables don't have types).