What is the Chatterbox?

The chatterbox is the only existing chat area here at PerlMonks. It serves as both a public chatroom and a place where you can send and receive private messages to/from other members.

Almost anything you might think to ask about the Chatterbox is addressed in the main Chatterbox FAQ.

If you have a question for the Perl Monks, you should probably ask it in the chatterbox before posting in Seekers of Perl Wisdom. Many times, what you think is a difficult/complicated problem is easily solved by someone in the chatterbox. Or they may tell you you should post in Seekers of Perl Wisdom. Either way, it's a good, quick way to take advantage of other monks' experience. If you strike out in the chatterbox, you can always post in Seekers of Perl Wisdom.

I want to ask a question of the Perl Monks. Where do I start?

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