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Number of beverage containers currently on my desk

by vroom (His Eminence)
on Jul 18, 2002 at 15:56 UTC ( [id://182872]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by moxliukas (Curate) on Jul 18, 2002 at 16:33 UTC

    This summer seems to be extremely hot one here in Lithuania. I'm not sure if it is really that hot or it just seems so, because it is the first summer that I am spending at work sitting in a small server room with no windows coding Perl...

    The number of beverages currently on my desk is 0, however there is a nice crate of mineral water under the desk. I hope that qualifies ;)

    The temperatures have been reaching past +30C here (how much of that is in Farenheit? I must hack up a script to do the conversion in Perl sometime) and it is impossible to stay indoors without any drink. And don't even think about coding without a nice cold bottle of some kind of drink by your side.

      Number of overflowing Ashtrays: 3
      Grams of fag ash trapped in keyboard: ~200
      Force required to unstick escape key due to 'spillage': 3.6Newtons

      It's not just Lithuania..

      We (here in Calgary) have been hitting mid 30's for the past couple of weeks. Normally we don't see that kind of weather till later in the year. Mind you I'd rather have the +30's than the -30's that we were hitting 6 months ago ;)

      Oh, and 7-10 for me - 4 coffee cups, 2 pop cans, and 1 water bottle.


      30C is right seriously warm, especially if that is indoors. (Oh, that's 86F).

      I'm counting my coffee mug in my reply...


        thanks michael by the way whats the conversion factor
      The temperatures have been reaching past +30C here (how much of that is in Farenheit? I must hack up a script to do the conversion in Perl sometime)

      Here ya go.

      perl -le 'print (((9/5) * shift) + 32)' 30 86

      86 degrees F isn't that bad, unless there's lots of humidity. The moisture in the air is what'll get ya.

      It is currently 102F (39C) outside here :(
      I wish it were only 32C.
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by cecil36 (Pilgrim) on Jul 18, 2002 at 17:17 UTC
    Every day, I come into work with three water bottles (city water has too much chlorine in it). All go into the freezer when I unlock the office building, then after an hour, the first one comes out. Once I'm ready to go to lunch, the other two bottles come out of the freezer and go into the fridge to keep all of the water from turning into a huge ice cube. I've been doing this since November, when I started my diet. Since then, I've dropped 35 pounds.
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by rattusillegitimus (Friar) on Jul 18, 2002 at 17:18 UTC

    I've noticed that since I got married, the number of containers I store on my desk against the coming aluminum can and mold shortage has dropped drastically. And since I no longer smoke indoors, I've no need to store pounds of ash and thousands of filters within easy reach.

    Of course, I still voted 4-6. I'm an old rat, and picking up after myself is still a relatively new trick ;)

    He seemed like such a nice guy to his neighbors / Kept to himself and never bothered them with favors
    - Jefferson Airplane, "Assassin"
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by lemming (Priest) on Jul 18, 2002 at 17:08 UTC

    Before I brought in my own beverage container, I had built up a huge collection of coffee sleeves. It was at 27 even with my reusing sleeves.

    Now I just have my mug, (With a cover of course, because it's against Intel policy to have an open container), and a water bottle. I have to bring my water from outside, there's too much chlorine in the Intel water.

    And the formula for F -> C
    (F - 32) * 5/9 = C

      And the formula for F -> C
      (F - 32) * 5/9 = C

      I just remember that 28C == 82F, and that 16C == 61F, so I just pick the one closest to the current temperature (its never far from either here in So.Cal.), and add or subtract the difference ( 1C == 9/5F (or ~2F)).

      Update:Of course, I know that 0C == 32F, but its not something I usually have to think about, unless I leave the freezer door open :-)
      (16C is considered cold here)...

        A friend taught me this rhyme that helps me out a lot in estimating Centigrade temperature:

        30 is hot,
        20 is nice,
        10 is cold,
        and zero is ice.

        -- Mike


        My memory rule is that -40F == -40C and that 0C == 32F. And I learned that from a Donald Duck Comic.
      Don't know if it's true, but I once heard that when Farenheit "invented" his scale, he choose "a cold winter day" as 0 F and "his body temperatur while beeing ill" as 100 F. One might argue that the temperatur water freezes/boils is rather arbitrary, too, but at least you can reproduce it everywhere (give the same air pressure...)

      -- #!/usr/bin/perl for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}
        No, it was a little more direct than that. He chose "body temperature" as 100F (although he didn't measure it accurately, it appears), and the coldest mix of brine he could make (sea water heavily salted) as 0F.

        -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by grinder (Bishop) on Jul 18, 2002 at 17:49 UTC
    A bottle of 1664, a French blonde beer that draws 5.9%. A bit sweet for my taste but not bad for an industrial beer. The bottle has a nice high-tech touch, in that the label has a little snowflake printed in thermo-sensitive ink. Invisible at the wrong temperature; blue at the right temperature (between 6 and 8 degrees Celsius).


    print@_{sort keys %_},$/if%_=split//,'= & *a?b:e\f/h^h!j+n,o@o;r$s-t%t#u'
      The bottle has a nice high-tech touch, in that the label has a little star printed in thermo-sensitive ink. Invisible at the wrong temperature; blue at the right temperature (between 6 and 8 degrees Celsius).

      ...I'd like to have the name of that beer. (or is it 1664? I presumed that was the first item in a list of two) :-)

      Anyway, I'd like to see that sort of device on many of the more hearty beers that should not be served icy cold. Fat Tire (from Colorado) is often served in bars at a temperature much too cold for optimum taste. On the other hand, there'd probably have to be a different temperature rating in the UK from that used in the US.

      Americans are known to prefer their beers much too cold. What our British bretheren do not understand is that prior to the last decade, almost all American beer was so horrid that the cold temperature was to protect us from tasting it at all.


        The beer is indeed named 1664 (after the year that the brewery was founded).

        We Australians also like our beer served cold. Personally, I can't abide the muck they serve in the UK. Far too warm for me. But you get used to anything I suppose :)

        Australian beer has gone through a renaissance in the past fifteen years, with a lot of small breweries setting up operations and giving the industrials a big scare. If you ever get to Oz, try a James Boag or a Cascade (both from Tasmania) or anything by Coopers (Ale, Lager, Stout) from South Australia. Do not ask for a Fosters. Anything would be better than that.

        print@_{sort keys %_},$/if%_=split//,'= & *a?b:e\f/h^h!j+n,o@o;r$s-t%t#u'
        ...I'd like to have the name of that beer. (or is it 1664? I presumed that was the first item in a list of two) :-)

        1664 is made by Kronenbourg (now owned by Scottish & Newcastle). One of the highlights of advocate's student exchange trip to Strasbourg last year was a trip to their brewery.

        I have 3 bevvie containers on my desk, but regrettably none of them ever contained any beer. About 7 years ago I worked on a project for Bass Brewers which involved visits to several trial sites located in pubs. That was pretty cool. :)

      coffee mugs with a growing ecosystem of fungi inside = 3; cigarette butts strewn around ~~ 200; empty cigarette packs ~~20; crushed coke cans = 9; days since i exercised = a month probably or more; perl justifies it all, i suppose;
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by Popcorn Dave (Abbot) on Jul 18, 2002 at 18:36 UTC
    At least 7, usually more. : )

    Almost all Dr. Pepper - for the caffiene content of course.

    Some people fall from grace. I prefer a running start...

      Ahhh, the breakfast of champions! Someday I hope to find one of them foam sleeves large enough to keep a 3-liter bottle cold, that I might increase my dosage with fewer trips to the fridge.

      He seemed like such a nice guy to his neighbors / Kept to himself and never bothered them with favors
      - Jefferson Airplane, "Assassin"
        Sleeve???? You amateur. Mine's hooked up to an IV drip ; )

        Some people fall from grace. I prefer a running start...

      Pepper...once you try Pibb you'll only remember what Pepper tasted like. I remember the first time I had Mr. was at Lost Valley Boy Scout Camp...the soda machine in front the of the Grace Site Trading Post over 15 years ago.

      Don't get me wrong: When the Pibb is gone Pepper will do in a pinch.

      Although the new Pibb Xtra is a bit too sweet for my tastes plus not to mention I can't get Pibb here...I have to have it shipped in because of the lame licensing agreements the bottlers have.

      Sean Shrum

        alot of people say mr.pibb and dr.pepper taste exactly alike, sometimes ill go to a restaurant and order a dr.pepper and they bring me a mr.pibb thinking i wont be able to tell the difference, i send it back and get coke..

        i have a tux mug from, a steel mug (that i love) that i got from exxon, and a bottle of water...there's about 7 empty cans of dr.pepper in my trash, but i wont count those...guess you can tell which soda i like
(joshua) Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by joshua (Pilgrim) on Jul 18, 2002 at 17:54 UTC
    Um, I voted 1-3. I mainly drink ice water at the 'puter. City water tastes like dirt, but once it's run through the filter it doesn't have a taste. I occasionly find myself with two cups, but not very often...

    Update: It's a bit warm here...102 F.

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by mt2k (Hermit) on Jul 18, 2002 at 19:01 UTC
    This poll came at a slightly late time (or when I noticed we had a new one anyway).

    I currently have 0, had 3 just half an hour ago. Believe it or not, Saskatoon is hittin 30+ (Celsius) lately and our air conditioner blew out last week! So I have been chugging away at liquids while typing away :L

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by Foncé (Scribe) on Jul 18, 2002 at 20:25 UTC
    Let's see...It's a balmy 96 here today in southern Illinois, and we've got 100% humidity, dewpoints in the lower 70s and scattered thunderstorms that aren't cooling things off at all.

    Man I hate that.

    Currently, five cans of Mello Yello reside peacefully on my desk. *Goes to machine*...make that six cans. ;-)
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by ichimunki (Priest) on Jul 18, 2002 at 20:52 UTC
    Five. But these are all coffee/tea/cocoa mugs, and only one is on active duty. Three are in reserve. And one holds writing utensils. :)
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by myocom (Deacon) on Jul 19, 2002 at 00:22 UTC

    I not only have 5, but they're each of a different type! I have a water bottle, a can of Coke (currently in service), a mug (holding pens and whatnot), a large travel-cup (ostensibly for coffee, but I can't stand the stuff, despite being from Seattle), and a coconut (from "tropical drink Friday" a couple of weeks ago). I'm willing to bet I'm the only monk with a coconut on his desk...

    He could grip it by the husk...

    "One word of warning: if you meet a bunch of Perl programmers on the bus or something, don't look them in the eye. They've been known to try to convert the young into Perl monks." - Frank Willison
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by coreolyn (Parson) on Jul 19, 2002 at 17:25 UTC

    I only voted 1-3 as they are 'active' containers.

    I do have 7 others (ubiquitos vendor coffee cups) that line the top of my cubical from vendors that I consider 'inactive'

    8 if you coun't the pencil coffe cup :)

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by cacharbe (Curate) on Jul 21, 2002 at 20:28 UTC
    I drink ALOT of water, probably close to 2 Gallons a day, not including what I consume at the Gym (~ a couple quarts). Given this, I usually have three or four bottles of aquafina or aquafina bottles full of filtered water close at hand. Like cecil36, I attribute that to be a large part of my 32 pound weight loss over the passed 14 weeks.

    I also have my starbucks thermos mug that keeps coffee HOT HOT HOT for a few hours. It's one of the best investments I've ever made.

    To top them off, lately I've been collecting Coffee Mugs. I have my whipping boy mug, my Flex the Geek mug, and of course I have my caffeine mug from thinkgeek. No collection would be complete.


    Flex the Geek

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by shadox (Priest) on Jul 18, 2002 at 23:10 UTC
    4-6 for me, 2 coffee cups, 1 soda bottle and a beer, ("JUST FOR EMERGENCY") :)
    Optimus magister, bonus liber
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by belg4mit (Prior) on Jul 19, 2002 at 02:43 UTC
    I think 1 should have been it's own option. It takes a different kind of person to have multiple containers versus a single :-P I have 2 empty birch beer bottles. 2 bottles. 2 empty bottles.

    perl -pew "s/\b;([mnst])/'$1/g"

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by NaSe77 (Monk) on Jul 19, 2002 at 07:56 UTC
    i cant count them any more ....

    since i dont have anyone here at work to take them away noone does. But you cant see most of them cause they are covered by other stuff like several o'reillys, cds, papers, cables, ... ;)

    I think i'll go and have another water ...


Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by snafu (Chaplain) on Jul 19, 2002 at 15:21 UTC
    two empty water bottles...

    Actually, I said 1-3 but I also have 2 mason jars that technically could be used for water, too. Alas, I use them for something else *but* I *used* to use them for water. Does that count? :)

    That's pretty much it besides the phone and the absurd number of machines on this poor desk 'o mine along with a bunch of books and other things that a lonely IT/IS professional should never do without (ie pics of the fam and old employers' data centers, an 8 ball, and huge stash of pens and paperclips, and last but not least a grease board).

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    - Jim
    Insert clever comment here...

Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by penguinfuz (Pilgrim) on Jul 20, 2002 at 00:21 UTC
    3 beverage containers currently...
    • 1 can of redbull (in use)
    • 1 penguin mug (sacred chalice used only for BrassMonkey or weird concoctions like Kahlua/Yoohoo)
    • 1 foul smelling steel coffee mug
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 20, 2002 at 03:44 UTC
    I got a keg on top of my desk, and a micro-brew one under it ( )
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by fireartist (Chaplain) on Jul 19, 2002 at 10:36 UTC
    Usually 0 or 1 - and that's usually a Pepsi can.

    Occasionally it gets up to 2 if an empty coffe cup joins in.

    It doesn't get above 1 can, because there's a bin right behind my seat containing an embarassingly large collection of empty Pepsi cans.
    I wish they'd empty it every day...
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by LAI (Hermit) on Jul 19, 2002 at 15:20 UTC

    I am torn between voting 1-3 and 11-15. It seems somehow lacking to stick to the technically correct definition of my coffee cup^H^H^Hbucket as one container.

    That was written in levity but come to think of it, I have been known to just sit down with the entire pot, and that holds about a dozen cups.

    Coffee: addictive like crack, but with none of the aftertaste.


Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by feloniousMonk (Pilgrim) on Jul 23, 2002 at 16:56 UTC
    Does a coffee pot count? What if it contains a straw?

    So far I have colleced:
    Various Mistic Iced Tea bottles of varying age, a crusty dusty coffee mug, and recently emptied paper coffee cup.

    -felonious --
      Ha! How about a gallon of Iced Tea? I just brought it in from the sun. I'm working from home today, so I thought I'd take advantage of the opportunity (to make iced tea AND get some sun (wireless rocks!))
      Generally I'll have three at work:
    • Coffee to start the day,
    • a pop from lunch,
    • and water till I head home...
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by zakzebrowski (Curate) on Jul 22, 2002 at 10:47 UTC
    I voted 1-3 because I brought in one coffee today... (But, if I were able to actually find my desk underneath all of the papers, the number might be higher... :))

    "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism" ~ Theodore Roosevelt (1915)
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by elbie (Curate) on Jul 22, 2002 at 15:09 UTC
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by mattr (Curate) on Jul 23, 2002 at 08:25 UTC
    Other. I have a 1.5 liter plastic ridged clear-bluish bottle of Volvic mineral water (2/3 drunk). But it's standing under my desk. These are used a lot in Japan to keep cats from peeing on the flowers, but sometimes start fires due to focussing the sun. More flourescents than sun in here though, and no cats *(
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by one4k4 (Hermit) on Jul 24, 2002 at 13:30 UTC
    I had to count the coffee-maker, and the paper cup I use for holding pens, but I'm up to four. Unless I can count things like my unused tin of penguin mints..

    _14k4 - (
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by kodo (Hermit) on Jul 24, 2002 at 13:48 UTC
    Uhm, we have 3 cups here which belong not me but my mate sitting next to me, and 2 bottles of water that I really use finally ;)

Before or after?
by Notromda (Pilgrim) on Jul 22, 2002 at 19:12 UTC
    Is that before or after I vote? I'm cleaning them off my desk right now... :P 7 before, 1 after.
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by kev (Initiate) on Oct 26, 2002 at 18:39 UTC
    I know this is a bit old, but i'll still comment anyway... at the start of the day it's about 6 liters of bottled water and a mug of milk with tea, dropping to nothing by the end of the day (although the bin does get rather full!)
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by iza (Monk) on Jul 24, 2002 at 16:10 UTC
    i wish i could have irn bru
    does anyone know where i could find irn bru (i mean, appart from scotland ?) ??
Re: Number of beverage containers currently on my desk
by Mr. Muskrat (Canon) on Jul 25, 2002 at 18:22 UTC

    Here at work:
    1 insulated coffee mug half full
    1 Dr. Pepper can almost empty
    1 empty water glass

    None. My wife made me throw them out two days ago. :(
    I miss them greatly. I had a nice big collection going too!
    I must have had at least 36 empty DP cans strown about.
    We had some good times together. I would start feeling run down
    so I'd pop open another one and start chugging.
    Next thing I know, I'm feeling great again and ready to keep on working!

    My thoughts are mine and mine alone.
    They did not originate with the voices in my head.
    Do not listen to what they say, it's all lies.

      Ouch, I know how that feels. Every Wednesday night (Thursday is recycling day) my wife collects the corpses of my fallen comrades all the flat surfaces within arm's reach of my desk and dumps them unceremoniously in the bin at the curb.

      On a happier note, I finally found my 52oz insulated mug in the garage and am making that a permanent fixture of my desk at work. Despite the fact that its size is not a power of 2, it makes me happy by reducing my trips to the breakroom fridge. Laziness, after all...

      He seemed like such a nice guy to his neighbors / Kept to himself and never bothered them with favors
      - Jefferson Airplane, "Assassin"

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