"All three of your points are well-taken," says
a DBA who spends more time writing Perl than doing anything else, "but point three:
* Programmers don't necessarily understand (or even care) about performance issues on a particular RDBMS. Nor should they - it's not their problem, that's what the DBA gets paid for
is both true and not true. It's true that programmers don't always understand how the RDBMSs (we have Teradata, Oracle, RedBrick, and Sybase in production and create a lot of MS Access items for people's desktops, and our developers have to work across them) they use work internally, but they should care and should be willing to learn. (They also should listen to the DBA when they don't know, but that's another rant.)"
They laughed at Joan of Arc, but she went right ahead and built it. --Gracie Allen