Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I would like to know if I could clean this up and get rid of
my repititious lines such as the system(mail...) commands and
anyother way to compact this?? I also tried playing with my open FIL
and close FIL but could only get them to work as I have it below:
My script checks how many systems are down so the $ct variable represents
how many systems are down.
Here is the part I was hoping I could condense:
if($ct == 1)
print FIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n";
open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n";
system("mailx -s 'Mail header' myemail < $myfil");
elsif($ct >= 2)
print FIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n";
open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n";
system("mailx -s 'Mail header' myemail < $myfil");
Re: Can I clean this up??
by frankus (Priest) on Jul 24, 2002 at 10:50 UTC
First off consider what the if statement is doing:
open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n";
if($ct == 1){
print FIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n";
elsif($ct >= 2){
print FIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n";
system("mailx -s 'Mail header' myemail < $myfil");
Secondly consider using a pipe instead of writing to a file:
open(MAIL,"|mailx blah) || die "No mail stuff: $! \n";
if($ct == 1){
print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n";
elsif($ct >= 2){
print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n";
Try some common Perl tricks:
# Removed brackets, replaced || with or due to higher presedence and r
# used single quotes on uninterpolated strings.
open MAIL,'|mailx blah' or die "No mail stuff: $!\n";
# Stuck the if statements at the end so it's more natural.
print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n" if $ct == 1;
print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n" if $ct >= 2;
What? more elegant?, it's arguable.
open(MAIL,"|mailx blah) || die "No mail stuff: $! \n";
$ct >= 2 && { print MAIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n
+"; last SWITCH };
$ct == 1 && { print MAIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n"; last SW
+ITCH };
Brother Frankus.
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open(MAIL,"|mailx blah") || die "No mail stuff: $! \n";
if ($ct>0) {
print MAIL "\n$ct ".($ct>1 ? "are not available" : "is down")." at
+ this time.\n";
But of course the greatest optimisation is always achieved by considering the whole problem, not just the perl:
open(MAIL,"|mailx blah") || die "No mail stuff: $! \n";
print MAIL "\nSystems unavailable at this time: $ct\n" if ($ct>0)
Silly I know, but to the point: Good optimisation looks at the whole problem.
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Wow, thanks for all the suggestions! Now I can make it look better.
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Re: Can I clean this up??
by tadman (Prior) on Jul 24, 2002 at 11:12 UTC
It's a simple case of refactoring. I really dislike duplication, since duplication is just asking for bugs. As a note, it seems you're writing to FIL before you open it.
if ($ct > 0)
open(FIL, ">>$myfil") || die "Write to $myfil failed\n";
print FIL "\n$ct ";
print FIL ($ct > 1)? "are not available" : "is down";
print FIL " at this time.\n";
close (FIL);
system("mailx -s 'Mail Header' myemail < $myfil");
Note that you should probably be using something like Mail::Mailer or Mail::SendMail to do the dirty work of sending mail.
In your original code, if your e-mail address changed, you'd have to do twice the work to update it, and further, there is a chance you might miss one of them.
When handling simple pluralization, like what you have here, the ?: operator comes in handy. If you're not familiar with it, here's how it works:
print "\$foo is ";
print $foo? "true" : "false";
print "\n";
Or you can compact this to something like so:
print "\$foo is ",($foo? "true" : "false"),"\n";
More idiomatically:
print "There ",(($num == 1)? "is" : "are")," $num camel",
(($num == 1)? "" : "s")," for sale.\n";
Or perhaps something more "Old School":
printf("There %s $num camel%s for sale.\n",
($num == 1)? ("is","") : ("are","s"));
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Note that you should probably be using something like Mail::Mailer or
Mail::SendMail to do the dirty work of sending mail.
I can think of reasons why in some cases you might prefer Mail::Mailer
over using mailx, but "the dirty work" isn't one of them.
When I use Mail::Mailer, I need three lines of code on
overhead. One line for the OO overhead, a second line to actually open
a mail, and a third line to close the mail.
When using mailx, I only need 2 lines: one for the open,
a second for the close. There's no "dirty work" here - the dirty work
is done by mailx!
I've never had problems using mailx, something I cannot
say from Mail::Mailer (or Mail::Send).
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Re: Can I clean this up??
by djantzen (Priest) on Jul 24, 2002 at 10:53 UTC
The only difference between the two branches is the message sent, so the thing to do is to move the common code into a subroutine specifially for sending mail. In each branch of the conditional you would call the subroutine, perhaps passing the desired message as a parameter.
Secondly, try using the module Mail::Send, which provides a simple and standard interface to various mail programs, rather than manually calling a mailer via system.
You may find this discussion helpful as well: How do I rewrite mail headers using Mail::Send?.
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Re: Can I clean this up??
by ackohno (Scribe) on Jul 24, 2002 at 10:52 UTC
open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n";
if($ct == 1)
print FIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n";
elsif($ct >= 2)
print FIL "\n$ct are not available at this time.\n";
system("mailx -s 'Mail header' myemail < $myfil");
That should function the same without repeating the opening, mailing, closeing.
Notice: At the time I was writeing this response frankus was writeing it too and beat me to submiting, heh. sorry for repeating.
($good, $bad, $ugly) = split(/,/, "vi,emacs,teco") | [reply] [d/l] |
Re: Can I clean this up??
by Sifmole (Chaplain) on Jul 24, 2002 at 11:12 UTC
print FIL "\n$ct is down at this time.\n";
open(FIL,">>$myfil") || die "No open for ct tot: $! \n";
Uh, this is bass-ackwards -- you print to the file before you open it. That isn't going to work at all. | [reply] [d/l] |
Re: Can I clean this up??
by dimmesdale (Friar) on Jul 25, 2002 at 01:21 UTC
You may want to check out Lingua::EN::Inflect -- it takes a singular form of a noun/verb/some adjectives and spits out the plural form.
From the docs, it can do it conditionally as such:
print "I saw $cat_count ", PL("cat",$cat_count), "\n";
Your conditional statement just wants to make the is/are look right for the end user -- now you've gotten helpful repiles for something that works specifically for the is/are part, but in the future if you need more flexibiilty you can consider the module.
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