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Re: $dbh->errstr;

by simeon2000 (Monk)
on Jul 24, 2002 at 13:40 UTC ( [id://184829]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to $dbh->errstr;

You have to put your the return of the prepare statement somewhere. Assuming use strict;:

my $sql = ''; if (cond) { $sql = $dbh->prepare(SQL_CODE); } elsif (cond2) { $sql = $dbh->prepare(SQL_CODE2); } else { $sql = $dbh->prepare(SQL_CODE3); } $sql->execute(@params);

Not only are you not storing the result of the prepare, even if you did, you must predeclare your $sql recipient variable or it'll go out of scope before you can execute it!

"Falling in love with map, one block at a time." - simeon2000

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