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Re: Re: Tk Tutorial, Featuring Your Very Own "Perl Sig/OBFU Decoder Ring"

by hiseldl (Priest)
on Jul 27, 2002 at 20:29 UTC ( [id://185778]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Tk Tutorial, Featuring Your Very Own "Perl Sig/OBFU Decoder Ring"
in thread Tk Tutorial, Featuring Your Very Own "Perl Sig/OBFU Decoder Ring"

atcroft, I added a note right before the code telling everyone to read the comments; thank you for pointing this out.

I had a couple goals in mind when I wrote this:

  • Get a Tk Tutorial out there as soon as possible for my fellow monks to look at that would be useful, and
  • Add to/update the body over time as I received feedback, such as yours.
Also, I am thinking about writing another tutorial about the layout managers pack, place, grid, and form because the layout manager is the foundation of most Tk applications, and a deeper understanding of these methods will help everyone developing Tk scripts tremendously. For instance, I didn't even know that there were 4 layout managers until recently, and after learning about them, I realized that I could have taken a different approach in laying out my widgets that would have saved me a couple hours of head-scratching. :)

In any case, thank you again for your feedback. I will make changes over the next few weeks/months to improve the readability and the flow of this Tk Tutorial.


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