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Re: Hording books and manuals.

by FoxtrotUniform (Prior)
on Aug 07, 2002 at 03:15 UTC ( [id://188224]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Hording books and manuals.

Yeah, I hoard books, too.

I occasionally realize how many books I have that I will never use again (fr'instance, once I bought K&R and Expert C Programming, I'll never touch that Schildt book...), and give them to the public library, after allowing my friends first dibs. I'm doing something slightly different with my second-edition Camel: offering it to any monastery denizen willing to pay shipping (which is probably less than a new copy, which might help someone).

But yeah, giving away books that are still useful, but that you no longer need is a powerful good.

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