In several jobs now, I've realised the importance of numbering sections in test scripts and specifications and stuff to clear up misunderstandings.
But it sure is a pain having to alter text files when someone adds an extra step or section or item...

So I made this. It took about 30 mins to write and test and it reminded me of all the fun you can have with formats.

Write a text file like this:

Of course it's simple, I am ;)

Example use for script
S:Easy to write
T:takes little time
I tied a file suffix in vim
Add a few macros
It's a doddle
T:I hate using word
I hate Microsoft
It sucks, for one
Okay this isn't great but
Did I ever say it was?

S:Easy to deploy
T:Just wanted to show
Several sections in action
Yeah it won't stretch over several lines yet :(

And cat it through the script like this:
cat example | ./checklist > output.txt

Feel free to hack it, ransack or ignore it ;)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; $==shift || 60;# Set lines per page $^='H';# Set header format %_=map{$_,0}('S'..'U'); # Make a list formats my $title=<>; # Set title to first line of input doc # Header format format H= + Page: @>>>> + $% @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + `date` @||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| +||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| $title @||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| +||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| '=' x (length($title)-1) # that or chomp $ti +tle . # Section format format S= SECTION @# : @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $_{S}, $_ ====================================================================== +============================ + Use box indicate outcome. . # Test section format format T= @>>>>>>>>>>>>> @#.@# : @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< +<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 'TEST',$_{S},$_{T}, $_ . # Item section format format U= @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @#.@#.@# : @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< +<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[ ] 'STEP',$_{S},$_{T},$_{U}, $_ . for(<>){ # until EOF chomp; # strip newline ($_,$~)=/:/?($',$`):($_,'U'); # choose format and output line. /\w/ or next; # if it's empty, move on. $_{$~=~/S/?'T':'U'}=0 if $~!~/U/; # Reset the next section counte +r in order $_{$~}++; # increment section counter write; # output template }


Brother Frankus.
