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Storable 2 Text - An editor for data files created by

by kingman (Scribe)
on Aug 08, 2002 at 13:57 UTC ( [id://188588]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Kingsley Gordon -
Description: Opens a file created by Storable::lock_store and dumps the data structure to an ascii file for viewing/editing.

Also creates a file via Storable::lock_store that contains an empty hash if you create a symlink to the script called ts (touch store).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use Storable qw(lock_retrieve lock_store);
my %usage;
(my $script_name = $0) =~ s#.*/##;  # $0 = full path to script
my $file = $ARGV[0] || &usage($script_name);
s2t($file) if $script_name eq 's2t';
ts($file) if $script_name eq 'ts';
### Subs ###
sub s2t { # s2t (Storable 2 Text) expects a file created by Storable::
    my $file = shift;
    my $data_struct = lock_retrieve($file) or die "Can't open $file: $
    my $data = dump($data_struct);
    open(FH, ">$file.txt");                     # Create new file by a
+ppending '.txt' to the original filename.
    print FH "use Storable qw(lock_store);\n";  # Make it easy to upda
+te original file created by Storable::lock_store.
    print FH '$x =';
    print FH "$data";
    print FH ";\n";
    print FH "lock_store (\$x, \'$file\');\n";
    close FH;
sub ts { # ts (Touch Storable) creates a file with Storable::lock_stor
+e that contains an EMPTY hash reference.
    my $file = shift;
    my $x = {};
    lock_store $x, $file or die "Can't create $file: $!";
sub usage  {
my $script_name = shift;
my %s;
$s{s2t} = <<END;
Opens a file created by Storable::lock_store and dumps the data struct
+ure to an
ascii file for viewing/editing.
Usage: $script_name [file]
$s{ts} = <<END;
Creates a file with Storable::lock_store that contains an EMPTY hash r
Usage: $script_name [file]
print (exists $s{$script_name} ? $s{$script_name} : "You must rename t
+his script to either s2t or ts.\n"); 

=head1 NAME
    s2t or ts (One is symlinked to the other.)
s2t [file] B<or> ts  [file]
A command-line script to work with Perl data structures created by Sto
This file should be called B<s2t> and a file called B<ts> should be sy
to it like so:
    ln -s s2t ts
The script consists of two subroutines, one of which is called dependi
+ng on the
=head1 s2t (Storable 2 Text)
Opens a file created by Storable::lock_store and dumps the data struct
+ure to an
ascii file for viewing/editing.  The extension '.txt' is appended to t
+he end of
the new file to indicate that it's editable. ( creates bina
+ry files
which load quickly, but aren't editable.)
When you've finished editing the .txt file, you should run it through 
+perl to
re-create the original Storable file.  There are a couple of different
+ ways to
do this:
=over 4
=item * B<From Vi>
=item * B<From the command line>
 perl foobar.txt
=head1 ts (Touch Storable)
    Creates a file with Storable::lock_store that contains an EMPTY ha
+sh reference.
    Some scripts try to open files created by Storable::lock_store. Th
+is creates those files in the right format.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kingsley Gordon -  E<lt>kingman@ncf.caE<gt>
 last modified: Thu Aug 8 2002
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Storable 2 Text - An editor for data files created by
by PodMaster (Abbot) on Aug 09, 2002 at 05:43 UTC
    I'll pretend I did not see
    ### POD ###
    I'd like to introduce you to
    I trust you'll make the change accordingly.

    Seeing as you're on the right track ( pod ), but are still have a little trouble( sub usage ... <<END; ??? nooo ), i'd like to introduce you to a new friend, Pod::Usage. It'll make the redundant sub usage go away.

    I hope you'll embrace it, and to help you do so, here's a gem from ybic The Dynamic Duo --or-- Holy Getopt::Long, Pod::UsageMan!

    Ooops, I almost forgot, ;D

    ** The Third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

      Ok, I'm trying to fix up the Pod as you suggested. But I'm not sure how to get the same functionality as my &usage hack. The script is designed to be symlinked:
      (my $script_name = $0) =~ s#.*/##; # $0 = full path to script my $file = $ARGV[0] || &usage($script_name);
      And the usage message is related to the name of the script. Is there anyway to do this with Pod::Usage? Is the symlink design of this utility bad?
        It didn't catch my eye the first time, but don't trust $0. It's a bad shell scripting habit. use __FILE__ instead. Sure you can't embed it in string unless you use "@{[__FILE__]}" but it's just the same, it can't be changed, while $0 can.

        Now, Pod::Usage's pod2usage function does look at $0 if you don't pass the -input option, but that's cause __FILE__ is local to each file, and it wouldn't work otherwise, and you can always say pod2usage( -input => __FILE__ );.

        If you symlink a file as 'FOO', __FILE__ will contain that value, although i'm not sure how portable that is (i'm willing to venture a guess that it is).

        Now to your new question, yes, the symlink design of the utility is bad IMHO. Either create 2 separate scripts, or just make each Sub an option (with Getopt)

        And while i'm at it, you shouldn't exit from a subroutine. Subs should return. You shouldn't generally use exit to terminate your program normally.

        update: oh, btw, each pod token should be surrounded by lone newlines, as in perl -e " print qq{die;\n\n=pod\n\nhi there\n\n=cut\n\n}; "

        ** The Third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

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