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Multimedia Tutorials

by Baz (Friar)
on Aug 09, 2002 at 16:01 UTC ( [id://188953]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Baz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi everyone,

I'm heading back to college in the next few months to begin a Research Masters in Computer Engineering. Over the next week, I have to decide on one of two research projects.

The first is DSP based, will involve lots of lab work, loads of background reading and even more DSP programming in either Mathlab or C.

The second project is the Development of web-based multimedia/interactive tutorial e-learning materials. And I have included some points below to give you any idea as to what this involves -

* Develop multimedia tutorials with a substantive core consisting of interactive animated illustrations of key concepts in foundation courses in "Communication Networks and Protocols".

* Design of Web based components/teaching aids which would complement standard texts and printed notes for courses in communication networks and protocols - allowing students to re-visit and have re-explained important subject concepts thereby facilitating faster and deeper comprehension of the concepts.

* This will be achieved by interactivity, i.e. the students are facilitated in changing parameters, environment and so forth in the illustration interactively.

* Animated illustrations should be followed by on-line assessment. The development of these two linked e-teaching and e-learning tools are the subjects of this proposal.

* The tutorials will include an interleaving of on-line assessments, which will provide feedback to both student and tutor.

* A systematic procedure to create, modify and incorporate illustrations into a lecturer's e-Learning tutorials.

* Integration of these illustrations into a full e-courses platform using a commercial/other/UL product with comprehensive e-Learning, monitoring & assessment facilities.

*However the developments expected from a project like this should be quite 'mobile' in that the material will be easily available for incorporation into other modules and new modules, and of course could become an integral part on an on-line university education system.

My question is, how much of the above project could be conducted in Perl and would perl be the best language to use at the core of such a design. The lecture that’s conducting this project, told me that he wishes to see the project done in the latest computer and Internet programming languages.

I don’t think Perl is suitable (not that I know of) for Interactivity as this is a Client side issue. I've never had the opportunity of doing anything Flash based or even in Dynamic Html, I have done some JavaScript though. Does Perl interface well to these - do you now of any other graphical languages that are designed for client side interactivity.

Anyway, I'm basically looking for advice from anyone willing to give it - this is an important decision I have to make, and of course I'm also asking you - How interesting and challenging this second project might be?

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Re: Multimedia Tutorials
by ignatz (Vicar) on Aug 09, 2002 at 18:01 UTC
    Sounds like your typical web application. A Server-side programming language generating client side content. Perl, PHP, J2EE, ASP, Cold Fusion... heck, there's even Lisp Server Pages. Pick your poison.
Re: Multimedia Tutorials
by rah (Monk) on Aug 10, 2002 at 02:21 UTC
    If you opt for the online tutorial project I would say this: This is a research project supporting a research masters, right? Do the research.

    While some would argue that polling for expert opinions on Perlmonks is research, I believe you need the more technical, practical variety. Find out which languages are suitable for this project. Contruct a matrix outlining each language's strengths and weaknesses. Make a decision on which language is best suited based on the scope of the project, complexity, level of programming expertise required, costs, etc. Develop arguments to defend your selection. Then start doing the fun part.

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