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RE: The YAPC Quest

by neshura (Chaplain)
on Jun 20, 2000 at 22:33 UTC ( [id://19061]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The YAPC Quest

I agree with kudra. But it's too hard to implement. So i'll just diss the bad lines and tell you guys if a line would work.

(but what about delivery? delivery's 90%...)

e-mail neshura

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RE: RE: The YAPC Quest
by mdillon (Priest) on Jun 21, 2000 at 22:17 UTC
    in my opinion, the ideal vehicle for delivery of Perl Pick-up Lines is the /msh feature of the Perl Monks Chatterbox.
      /msh neshura perl -e "my $money=0;my $caring=127**127;my $name='Pip'; print \"$name is testing the \/msh feature while considering his own t +horough ineptitude when suave pick-up lines are the task. Can I take you out? +\";"
      Love me?


      p.s. Initiate Nail Removal Immediately!

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