Furthermore, Larry switched from "Pearl" to "Perl" after
finding out "Pearl" was already the name of an existing
language. (Legends go that it's the name of a language to
do graphics in - it may be so, but I know there's also a
language to write real time programs in that's called "Pearl").
Abigail | [reply] |
Pearl is in fact the name of a (not-very-elegant)
programming language you may use for robotics. My first
contact with Perl was indeed, when I learned Perl and then
came into the course, where they expected people to know
Pearl. Man - I nearly collapsed. Then - they allowed
to program either in C or Pearl.
Me and a guy took the C, the rest of the class Pearl,
we finished 90% of the exercises, the Pearl-people
30-40%. So you really aren't interested in this language. :-)
Oh well - if you are: Look here
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