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Re: PDL examples?

by fglock (Vicar)
on Aug 26, 2002 at 16:01 UTC ( [id://192915]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to PDL examples?

this is a simple "rescale to 256x256" program. (there are too many "use" statements here - this was cut from a larger program).

#! /bin/perl use PDL; use PDL::FFT; use PDL::IO::Pic; use PDL::Image2D; use PDL::ImageRGB; use PDL::ImageND; use PDL::Primitive; use PDL::Slices; $real = PDL->rpic('image.pgm'); # read image $display = zeroes(256,256); # new empty image PDL::rescale2d($real, $display); # scale into empty image $display->wpic("test.tif"); # done

update:Zaxo: PDL::IO::Pic takes care of image headers, compression, etc. for you.

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